thanks, im gonna host my map after i make the fixes, then ill let you know if its any better. if you wanna test with me, just pm, or reply on this thread to me.
woot post 250!
EDIT: Hosting on USEast server, in 5 minutes. Account: I)eath2u4me. Channel: Clan kctz. GameName (GN): Command and Conquer!!! NEW!!!
EDIT: kay, map is a lot better thanks to removing most/all of the leaks, but it still happens, though much later into gameplay. I think it's because of the ammo system i have setup on the air units, which i'll remove, test the game with fullhouse, and see if theres any difference. if not, then ill be needing more help. PLEASE still suggest things in the mean, so i can try those too, and so other ppl who read this thread, can get help as well.