Hi I'm WarcraftIsCrack13, im working on a map to be based on the Warsong Battleground in world of warcraft and make it real in warcraft 3. In the game, ill be a caster, and have the abbility to chose your own speels, and capture the flag of the other player 3 times. You will have an advantage if you are playing the computer. Along with that, i have a map called wow Wotlk Lich King's Last Assault, based on you being a wow class and taking the fight to the lich king's castle, you will have a spawned ally zone and will be able to choose your own speells for different 10 classes, and added at the 10th class, Necromance, along with Death Knight Creator Portal at lvl 55. If you know any way to make it so you can only enter that portal at lvl 55, please let me know. Hope they get approved.For The Horde!