WOW - Wrath of the Lich King

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Level 2
Jun 27, 2009
Hello everyone, I'm not sure about this project very much, so I wanted to check with you. The main purpose of this is to make WOW's newest expansion remade in a WC3 way. It will have new features, like raids which will be done in several maps... Because this is a campaign based on a voiced game, I will try to voice it completely using the sounds of the game. Naxxramas is planed on the beta. While the other instances on the upcoming expansions. The story will of course circle around Tirion Fordragon and the Lich King, however it will also allow players a role to choose which types of classes join him in raiding, there will be all the classes of WOTLK in the campaign, and you'll have to choose the Main Tanks, Healers and etc. Raids will be 10-man, because the player wont be able to focus on 5 groups at once. Tirion will be the players main hero, while he will be able to choose from a "vendor" in instances which classes go with him to the raid. He will start of with 70 lvl, and end the campaign with 80. There will be looting where the items go to the classes or to Tirion, the other classes are recruitable with emblems got from doing optional quests, bosses and so on. There will be 4 campaign planed total:

1. The Unholy Citadel
2. Secrets of Ulduar
3. Call of the Crusade
4. Fall of the Lich King
Level 2
Jun 27, 2009
It seems good, but WotLK is a bit old, I'd suggest you would do something with Cataclysm.

Well info about Cataclysm is a bit short. Nothing is certain about it, if I would write the story of it myself, which I have some great ideas and I'm capable of doing it, then I would be in Blizzard giving ideas or would ask them for permisions about making a full scale story of Deathwing's ascent to scorch the surface of Azeroth. I would connect the story with Sargeras' defeat in the Third War, and I would certainly add Sargeras as an end-game boss in an expansion after Cataclysm. Because the cataclysm could affect some way Azeroth, Sargeras' place of defeat, to shatter the bonds containing him in the Twisting Nether and would come to a point of his return to the Great Dark Beyond. I would in this post-cataclysm expansion add two new races, DK class should be reforged in two different perspectives replacing them with the new hero classes, one for horde and one for Alliance. I would raise the cap to 100, allowing players to lvl up and explore worlds deeply touched by the Burning Legion. The end game instance would be the Nathrezim Citadel, on the Dreadlord's world, which was the origin of Sargeras' corruption. Players only saw little pieces of it in the Undead Campaign in WC3, but why don't say... allow them to experience it fully, and discover the true motives and reasons of Sargeras' fall. Im doing WOTLK because it has a finished storyline and rich content it would give me a full use of its resources, I played it fully, experienced every single piece of it, and this story would greatly connect to the ending of the Frozen Throne expansion.
Level 8
Apr 30, 2009
screw roleplay, WoW is great because it's multiplayer

IMO, make each instance as a map, no levels. 10-player games on bnet. Each player gets to choose his class/spec DotA-style at the start

just my opinion, but if you want a good map, don't do WoW RPG #386346. Do an instance with absolutely sick AI and people will remember it. If you make it an RPG, you have a shitload of other RPGs hosted on this site that you're gonna have to beat.
Level 2
Apr 9, 2010
I think there are other projects that are doing wow -> wc3, so I think it really have to be very good or special, like what tml said.
Then again, if it's with good story and content, it'll be ok I guess.
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