AI units retreat (Campaign AI)

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Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
Hello everyone, i'm doing my campaign but i've got an AI problem and i can't find a way to resolve it:
The AI is working, the units attack, the waves have their time delation, but when the attack group destroys some buildings IF they don't see anything else to attack they return to their base, instead they should destroy every building. The same with units, if i send a single unit to attack the Attack group(before they reach the enemy base), the Attack group will just kill this unit and then return to his base.
Everything is unchecked in the AI editor except "Slow harvesting" and "Smart Artilliery"
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
Is there is an option to "suicide" units? In SC2 suiciding AI controlled units does exactly what you want so maybe it is called something similar in Warcraft III.
Nope, now i'm trying to create an AI using the triggers for the attack waves but its pretty painfull...
To achieve what you want you're better writing a Campaign AI script in JASS and importing it, this tutorial here is really good:
Creating AI workflow

It can appear quite intimidating looking at coding, JASS etc at first but just start simple and to make a campaign AI is probably one of the easiest/simplest things to do in JASS if you stick to tutorials.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2020
To achieve what you want you're better writing a Campaign AI script in JASS and importing it, this tutorial here is really good:
Creating AI workflow

It can appear quite intimidating looking at coding, JASS etc at first but just start simple and to make a campaign AI is probably one of the easiest/simplest things to do in JASS if you stick to tutorials.
Well i didn't wanted to arrive to this but whatever, i will check it out :D
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