The AI Editor is meant for melee-style AI. It will not run without a building that is classified as a Town Hall (done through the Object Editor). They do not need workers for resource collection.
If they build but do not attack, it's due to poor attack conditions or a lack of attack groups with proper units listed. Without the .wai file, neither Gismo359 or myself can elaborate on what the problem is.
If you want an example of a working AI (from the AI editor), download my map Erebus and open it in WE, then export and of the .wai files & open them in the editor. The build conditions are used only to keep the AI from getting stuck (I can elaborate if you want).
It may also be a problem if the units listed require research or food that the AI cannot build.
Finally, you need to use a trigger to tell the AI-Player to run your script for said player. Can you post your map or .wai files (or link if already posted)?