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[AI] AI Hero! problem!

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Level 8
Jul 22, 2008
I kinda know how to make an AI. I once created an AI to be better than insane...
let's get to point.
I cannot manage to control only one hero... no starting units, nothing but hero.
I know that this is possible but i can't manage to do it.

I presume also that my hero has to be based on a standard hero or else AI won't recognize it... but how?
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
W8, I think I misunderstood.. You mean a AI for a hero and a hero only?
If so I gues making a triggered AI would be better.
If you still want to use a normal AI that also builds stuf and trains units normaly I gues you can just delete everything u don't want? Like for the human race, and only the things that have to do with the heroes.

Again, if you are only going to use a hero, I gues it would be best just to use a triggered AI.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Well... you could make it more complicated?
Using random values etc, that way you can't always tell what it's doing.
As a example:
<Your Hero> comes within 1028 range of <Main Building>
Set RandomNumber = Random number between 0 and 10.
If RandomNumber = 1, return to base.
If RandomNumber = 2, attack it.
If RandomNumber = 3, explode.

I dunno, it's just a example I gues you know what I mean.
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