[AI Editor] Questions

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Level 9
Feb 12, 2010
Is there a way to access and look at the AI of the Campaign missions?
I know it's possible to look at the maps and export scripts from the .mpq files, but the exported scripts are .ai files which aren't openable in the AI Editor.

Am I missing something obvious?

(More questions will follow.)
Level 9
Feb 12, 2010
Makes sense, actually, the AI Editor wasn't even an editor feature until The Frozen Throne as I found out, moreover there wouldn't be a reason to have anything except for the script in the campaign missions since it's all that's necessary.
I appreciate the replies, thank you. ^-^


I was mostly interested in the Campaign AI since the attack waves I currently have setup don't seem to quite work... previously all the units would be built but would sit at the base they were built at, it seems giving them line of sight of the enemy fixed the problem.
The issue I have now is that they don't actually send attack waves, instead the AI builds every unit in the build list and then sends everything at once as a massive assault.

I'm trying to do something like Twilight of the Gods (or any other campaign mission, really), where they send specific units at specific intervals instead of just facerolling you with everything they build.
Any ideas?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If it is anything like SC2 AI you add all units you want to attack waves and eventually order the attack wave to advance. The attack wave construction is done by periodically clearing AI build order queues and then running logic to decide what the AI should have or be queuing. All built units are then assigned to a purpose such as to an attack wave, base etc. That is how it is done in SC2 at least.
The campaign AI uses an attack wave system which forms in an index like order, which ends at the lowest in a... Loop.
This allows AI to attack indefinitely once they enter the loop. A little math can add randomization to it.

They can be accessed with JassCraft and JassDemo (the former for editing Campaign AI and the later for syntax check, since JassCraft syntax check is broken, at least for me).
Level 9
Feb 12, 2010
It seems much easier to set up in Starcraft II than it does in Warcraft, triggering attack waves as you do in SC2 means you can control if units get replaced and set them waypoints across the map whereas the editor in Warcraft is much more limited... seems like you also have to tell the AI to build every single specific unit which doesn't really help matters.

So far I've only managed to get the AI to send all units it builds at once, after which it keeps streaming them down the map endlessly until everything is dead.
Like, I need them to be set waves but I'm not sure how to do that.

Oh and to add to that, they're supposed to attack when an AI command is sent through a trigger, but that doesn't seem to work either, only basic conditions like "current food > 80", etc seem to cause the singular massive onslaught to be sent. >.<
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