AI Editor Get Stuck

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Level 2
Jan 21, 2010
Ok, This is my problem, im making a Custom Melee/Campaing (i though its melee), but when im making the new AI since here is only One race atm it get stuck at a point, it really pissed me off since changing something on the AI editor and then start the map and wait long time to see if it works, but no i just don't get it, Ai seems to work fine untill it gets to 100 food cap, on my map food cap its 300, it stops there, no more upgrades, no more units etc, so i was wondering, Does the AI editor stops any function over 3 Upgrades or 100 food wich is the common limit on melee maps?, so if anyone can help me here ^^, other thing is the AI has ressources for Sure! map has a lot of ressources and they get the very quickly, (Me playing against them and even getting stuck they win ._.), but that's the point since my friends allready liked the map but with AI seems to be better, other thing is that on Object editor the Tier 1 Hall its called "Baluarte" when they upgrade to Tier 2 hall they build another tier 1 hall, when they Build Tier 3, Upgrade Tier 1 and build another Tier1 and so on, i found this very logic and make conditions to evade this but however they get stuck and that's the problem, max lvl for common Upgrades (Unit Dmg/Defense/Lumber colection/Building Resistance) its 15 or 10, And getting them stuck at third its not good at all. So Please Anyone on Hive Help me fix this!


  • Colonos.w3x
    284.2 KB · Views: 76
Level 2
Jan 21, 2010
Solved, Logic Problem, When it upgrades to Tier 4 Needs another Tier 2/3 Building, it got the Tier 3 but not the Tier2 This thing with the hall its getting me problems :(
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