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Afew unfinished naruto buildings

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Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Finished Naruto buildings

*Edited, Models I put here were for an outside project. The team will be using worse ones of which I have no idea why so anyone that cares can have a copy. Atm, 1 building was finished.

I finished the hokage building. It won't be used in the project cause its being substituted for one that sucks balls..So that means if anyone wants it you can DL here since it won't be a team project model.

The size is alittle big but you can't find much better then this. There's afew graphical errors on the model but its nothing big.

150 KB

(also, the size is abit small ingame, I left plenty of room for someone to change it to make it bigger or smaller.)
If you want me to try and fix the few places that have spots needing fixing like the tops of the smaller 2 buildings or the darker shadow spots let me know. Its going to reside in the dust bin for now. Got some modelling experience out of it.


  • hokage wc3 screenshot3.jpg
    hokage wc3 screenshot3.jpg
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  • hokage wc3 screenshot2.jpg
    hokage wc3 screenshot2.jpg
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  • Hokage Building.rar
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  • hokage wc3 screenshot4.jpg
    hokage wc3 screenshot4.jpg
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Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Yea thats because they were going into an outside game and I needed them better then wc3 quality. I think you could just skip using naruto's apartment and just use the hokage's building and the size wouldnt impact the map really that much.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
BLoodLinez09... they aren't done. If he does send them to you they will all be grey/silver models with no textures whatsoever.

But then again, it has the shape so I guess that's good enough for you.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
No offense, but I sincerely doubt that.

Let's see some proof tha you can texture.

Why do you care?

Sorry Istari but this really has nothing to do whether or not he can texture.

It's up to the model maker if he wants to give them or not; not you or me or anyone else.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Naruto thread with some tense words...How is it that my prophetic abilities picked this up so quickly...

Keep it civil people...

I do not see trolling and such, but once reported, once warned. Make sure the next report doesn't come along and turn the hand of fate.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
I haven't had time or the right textures to finish them. If anyone wants them ill release them when there done. I put the desk from there classrooms in wc3 successfully at 60Kb with texture+model together.

Im sure I could squeeze some more kbs out of it to make it smaller. I was making them for a team project they wanted to do but they don't have the skills in there area's to do it. So ill just finish what I have, maybe make afew more buildings.

Learned acouple things while making them so its all good.
Level 4
Mar 21, 2007
can you upload these models if you will finish them upload here in forum? cuz everyone's doing their own naruto models it's little stupid cuz some models are already created but not released for public :(
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Sorry about the bump. Ive finished the hokage building that my team won't be using so any naruto person can use it. Reason for the bumping is I don't have time atm to go through the process of correcting stuff in the mdl yada yada to get it in the model sections.
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