Aeon of the Titans

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Level 17
Jun 28, 2008
Aeon of the Titans


I am working on a new map, Aeon of the Titans. It is is an AoS map, the Sentinel vs the Burning Legion. The game play is similar to DotA(to make it easier to understand and get accustom to.)


The story is about the third invasion of the Burning Legion. The fell orc are beginning to open the gates for the Legion to enter the world. The Sentinel are counter acting the Invasion by launching a full out invasion on the orc base. Heroes emerge from both sides in this epic battle of the Titans.


The game has items, recipes and legendary items( the game has a secret store where you can buy legendary items that are extremely powerful. There can only be one legendary item of each type and when the user of the item die the legendary item is returned to the shop.)


I want to use a bank system for the AoS, but I don't know if it would be wise ?
Assist system
Damage Detecting System(for non orb life steal)

Heroes and Spells

The max hero level is 35, the spells are normal and triggered. The ultimate goes to level 3 and the other skills to level 4( I am going to change it later on. Ulti to level 4 and other skills to level 5.)

I also want to create class/race abilities(Each race/class gets an extra ability. Example : Elves get Elunes Grace and Orcs get Endurance Aura)

Game Play

Each faction starts with their main buildings(The Tree Ancients/Necropolis), towers and Ancient of war/Crypt. As time progresses their Tiers are upgraded.

Tier 1 - Melee Creeps
Tier 2 - Ranged Creeps
Tier 3 - Siege Creeps
Tier 4 - Powerful Creeps(Abomination/Mountain Giant)
Tier 5 - Creep Upgrade(More creeps/more damage/armor/life/ect)
Tier 6 - Super Creeps(Ancients/Infurnals)

The upgrades takes place every 5 - 8 min depending on the upgrade.


Please give your views on this idea of mine. Do you think the map could work or not ?

Please give comments and ideas.
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