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Advanced COOP RPG: Terrainer, graphics, balancing

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Huge COOP RPG: Testing, terrainer, graphics, translation (German -> English)

Hi there,
The Power of Fire needs some help to get finished: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/power-fire-260235/

The Power of Fire is probably the biggest German RPG mod. It uses a custom .EXE file which allows you to exceed the limit of 8 MiByte (unlimited power! :D).
It's a bit like a mix of Gothic and Diablo. Nice dialogs and story + endless fights.

Bear in mind that I want to work with others as a TEAM. If you make your point it really will be considered since in the end the result is most important and this mod shall not suck!

There is already some terrain but it could be improved A LOT:

Therefore the project really needs a (skilled) terrainer.
You will work with real texture models and get sent the custom MPQ and map with lots of real texture models.
It would be great the have some really beautiful locations and do not worry about the doodad or file size. It's a a mod with few limits!

The project needs 3D as well as 2D graphics. Many icons for items and spells have to be replaced. Note that the project does already use MAINLY custom resources.
The settings dark and of course medieval. If you like that please join the project!

Balancing/Spell design (German would be useful)
Each class has 15 different spells. There are 9 different classes and up to 6 players.
For all situations the map should work on a basic level. Since there is an optional PvP you do not have to worry about PvP balance.
No spell should be too strong nor too weak. All classes should have their advantages. This mod should not result in one where only two classes are chosen since they are simply too strong.
Besides there are many different creeps and bosses which should vary in their difficulty as well depending on the area where you fight them.
I myself are not an expert on balancing since I am the one who writes code and creates quests etc. I need some one who likes to play many maps/mods on Battle.net etc. and who really cares about the balance!
Besides some spells might be simply wrong at their place and have to be replaced. The project is open for new ideas!

It would be useful if you speak German since all spell descriptions are in German at the moment. Many spells can easily be explained in English or are based on wc3 spells anyway.

Testing (German would be useful)
Are you interested in RPGs? I need your opinion and your time to test the mod! Report bugs or quests you don't like or anything else.
More testers would help me to improve the mod.

Translation (German -> English)
Currently the WTS file with all strings contains 15733 strings which have to be translated (some of them have already been translated by me). Many of them are repetitions since there is an ability for each level of a spell so it sounds like more than it actually is. Anyway, it is quite a lot stuff since there is many units and spells.
If you know German and English you can help me translating it. The dialogues and video sequences as well as quests etc. are translated directly in the vJass code by me.

The dialogues must also be translated: http://gitweb.wc3lib.org/?p=dmdf.git;a=tree;f=src/Talras/Talks
Each file contains many tr("") calls which must be replaced by tre("", "") calls where the second paramter is the English translation.

If you are interested in any of these areas just contact me.
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@LordDz: Do you have some experience in balancing spells etc.?

@Heinvers: First of all awesome terrain you made :D. Now people did already tell me that the terrain does look a bit sqaured and the lighting isn't very good as well as the tinting. I guess you are talking about too many different colors/textures?
What would you suggest at the project's current state to improve the terrain? For me at least the cliffs could be improved a lot as well as the forest. The cliffs have far too many small rocks or use huge rocks simply on the edges which where placed their by a friend of mine and I think it doesn't look very well.

The forest has too many mixed textures and trees etc. Besides there could be more differences in height but I am really no expert and I really hope to find someone.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
I might actually withdraw... for the time being.
I have my own project now and put that on top-priority... I assume that you can understand.

However... if your project is taking equal as long as every other project... I should have mine finished before you even need my help.
Level 6
Jan 26, 2012
I don't know any map editing but I've been playing RPG's for years, I have probably a few thousands hours only in W3 RPG's. So if you need an opinion or someone to test skills I think I can help.
Level 3
Dec 22, 2008







this terrain style?
Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
Hi, I planned testing your map for a long time already. Just send me a link to the newest version and i will test it. (I speak german)

/e: i just played it and now I am in the orc camp where I kill the boss who didn't deal any damage btw. I will continue tomorrow
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Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
I didn't even know the boss has an ability~ He attacked me with his 200+ damage but dealt literally 0 damage, even to other units. I thought this was quite weird.

I am playing as a Dragon Slayer and so far the ability to decrese the attack rate of an enemy is quite useless and I never had to use it a single time. I also dislike the bag-system. But maybe I will get used to it when I play longer. Sometimes when u walk quite high (for example when you cross the bridge to the castle), the camera doesn't "go out" so the distance to the character is rlly small, this somehow bugged me. Also the story teller is rlly rlly rlly quite. I could barely understand him. I also was kinda disappointed that you couldn't choose your way. You have to go the castle and you have to help the lord etc. When you click on any shop the first time, it stucks for 1 second. I also didn't really need any items for the starter quests but I am still at the orc boss quest so maybe this changes.

That's all the negative stuff I encountered in the beginning. Now to the positive things:
I like the terrain, the custom models and the way the creeps are placed on the map even tho u could place a bit more. The speaked dialoges are wow~ nice feeling..Also the background dialoges remind me of gothic. I also discovered the wolf cave in the starting area but for 1 player it was way too hard to kill them all. The game is fun so far and i will continue as soon as I have time again ;)
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ok thx for the feedback. I think your bug is related to a dragon slayer ability but I am not sure which one. Probably the ability causes for the dragon slayer that he gets no damage.
Did no unit cause actual damage or only the boss. It might be the case that the units are too weak as well since you play only as one player.

Choosing your way is a bit hard for multiplayer. You would always have to do votes but in the side quests you can decide some stuff.

I will try to fix the distance bug and maybe make the narrators voice a bit louder.

It would be cool if you continue playing and give me more feedback.

I think it is the Colossus ability which prevents any damage. I will fix it for the next release.
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Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
i do take damage tho from any unit, just not from that one boss. And yes I continued. It's rlly fun so far. I think I will even replay with a new character once I am done. Just what really bothers me is that the game rlly stucks often for some seconds. My PC is rlly good and i never had this problem :/ What could cause this problem? Btw, i really dont mind the backpack anymore. It was a bit chaotic in the beginning because I always missclicked but now it's totally fine. Just it never fills 6 slots..always 5 with 1 empty slot and if you pick something up it puts it to the next "page" of the bag.
Level 2
Dec 26, 2015
Still require assistance with this or is this a dead thread? I can test and do unit balancing, and help with details in terrain. I got a lot of spare time and really wanna do something a bit more productive.
Your terrain is good for Warcraft terrain but some of my maps more realistic terrain. If you are both interested I will upload the maps soon and send you the data, so you can take a look at the two maps for which I need more terrain.
Upload the maps, so I can see them and I will tell you my idea for be your terrainer!
*bump* I still need testers. The latest version (0.9) has been released and contains more English translations. Since I do not have that much time it would be cool if anyone could test the latest version and give me feedback: The Power of Fire 0.9 file

I want to fix critical bugs but also balance the spells, XP, creeps etc. and fix/add more English translations
Level 6
Jan 26, 2012
damn, I last posted on may 2015, glad this project is still being worked on! Really impressive!

Downloaded the file just now. I will try to make it work and will give you my review...hope English is implemented.
Level 6
Jan 26, 2012
how do I play this? I can't find the .exe file anywhere... however I have an uninstalthepoweroffire.exe

I installed this on 1.27b
Level 6
Jan 26, 2012
wow, this is really promising! made it work but only played the first level. The reason is simple: some parts are not translated, so I will wait a bit until you complete that.

A very quick review:

1)Found a bug with shadows. The game looked good but after a few minutes of playing the shadows turned darker and it made it look wierd. I am talking about only unit portraits.

2)I can't go up bridges, the hero always went under the bridge.

3)Give an option for quick conversations, I would want to skip them.

4)Make backpack another unit(invisible), or a wisp following the hero. It's really annoying to manage items in the current state. That way you can put the "swich backpack forward/backwards" as skills and not as items, so you have 6 instead of 4. Would make the game a lot more streamlined.

That's only a first impression. I will surely play more when map has more translations. Game looks very interesting!
1) I had this issue myself but I have no idea how to fix it or what the source is.
2) I will fix this. It should be only in the first chapter.
3) There is a skip button for conversations if you have selected the NPC but only for the current sentence. I don't want to add a skip button for the whole conversation but maybe introduce a "quick quest" button if you want to skip the story.
4) This might be better for the future but requires some work. I am not sure if I can change this soon. The disadvantage is that you have to select the backpack unit all the time when you use potions etc. and you can't use the character's spells. This would be a disadvantage during fights.

thx for the feedback. The dialogues should be translated already. It would be great if you continue the test.

I have created corresponding issues in the repository: Issues · tdauth/dmdf · GitHub
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