Looking for advanced Terrainer

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Level 16
Feb 22, 2006
Hi guys!

Currently our team is looking for an advanced terrainer for a ORPG-Project.

It's not announced yet, but it'll be in the near future.

Just in the beginning: This project gonna be epic, so we need an epic terrainer.

The map will be really big in all dimensions: There should be much love in small details, but the terrain itself
shouldn't only be epic to look at it should also be epic to play.

As a part of the team, you are not only the terrainer, you can tell us your
ideas and we want to invent them into the project.

There are currently 3 people in out team:
xD.Schurke (Triggering, Ideas)
Paladon (Art => Icons etc., Ideas)
Malcous (Not sure yet, seems like Ideas and Story)

We just started 2 weeks ago, so there are not many things to show.
I started creating systems and Paladon started with some Icons.
Also we are now sure about the heroes, but we won't write it here.

If you are intressted in joining the team, send a PM to me with and example
of your skills (Showing some terrain). Of course you will gain some more informations about the project, if you are planing to join the team.


Important things:
- You should be able to create good terrains with not much imported stuff
Last edited:
Level 3
Apr 26, 2009
If you want a little proof here is a pic, its not my best work but its for an arena.

Sorry it does not show the whole map, could not zoom out anymore. =P
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