Im not talking about playing dota on Garena, in that case Garena is fine, since its only 1 factor connection people. in the RPG rooms there are many different players with different intention on what game to play, that comes out in a bad result when theres only 100 players, playing games on different time intervals. You know what i mean
The case is that Garena should make more channels indicating what map should be played in the room. Fx a Footmen Frenzy room would be a good idea etc. Then all footmen players can gather in 1 room and play full games. But it is not possible to get the TOP admins in Garena to make theese rooms, why i dont know, i have been in contact with 3-4 admins all telling me that there talking with there high admins, but northing has happend, and none of them are replying to me anymore, + there forums is northing but bot spamming.
THE DEMAND IS THERE, THE PLAYERS ARE THERE, but Garena has failed the niche players, and i see alot of interrest from players if niche games were appriceated more. Even though Footmen Frenzy is not a small game, i would not even call it a niche. Garena do have Tower Defence rooms, 5 of them! But only 1 is full... Why not convert those 4 empty tower defence rooms to other maps, like Footmen and others....
"To change the inner person, you have to change the outer bounderies" Some sociolog said this, cant remember his name atm
Garena do not focus on niche games, RPG games etc. They do not care about what members are asking or wishing....
Making a site/server wich focus on niche games, like Footmen Frenzy, Arena, RPG maps etc.... ATM small player base ? Reason: No good community or abilitie to actualy play theese "niche games".