About Garena

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Level 8
Dec 16, 2007
If this is the wrong section, please move it.

I read a bit about Garena, so how do you get your map supported by Garena? I understood that you have to email them the map etc, but they also mentioned that you have to put the Garena logo in the loading screen. Do you really have to do that? I looked in the Supported Maps section and saw a few maps that didn't have the logo in their loading screen.
Yepp i think it's the false forum for it..
How about reading their tutorials/information about how it works? shouldn't be that hard, if they want their logo in the loadingscreen then you should do it..
I don't have any experience with Garena so I can't help you, but i would suggest to read some starting guides from their side.. should help..
Level 13
Sep 14, 2008

As far as I know you don't have to do anything to host your map there...

I think you join garena -> join a room -> start wc3 with garena injection -> host your map via lokal game. (at least i think this should work)...

and they are hosting dota a lot (which actually has no garena symbol anywhere)
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