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A little idea – Sub-Forum for abandoned projects & open source maps?

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Level 13
May 24, 2005
Hey everyone,

a little idea popped to my mind I felt like sharing and putting it up for discussion.

What do you think about a dedicated sub-forum that offers space for unfinished projects and maybe also open source maps in general?

Basically, people can put their old and unfinshed projects there (and we all know, there is really a lot of unfinished stuff). They should be encouraged to add a short description of the map's original concept and idea. Then, other developers get the opportunity to continue these projects if they like. Or, probably the more common case, they can at least use some elements of the map (like terrain) for their own projects (while giving credits to the original author of course). That way, some of the old, rotting work isn't going to waste, some new projects might grow faster and maybe some unfinished projects will even be resurrected. In addition, maps with advanced progress might help some people to better understand how certain things can be implemented. Finally, it just might be an interesting thing to see some of the stuff people have worked on but which has never hit public or got finished.

Just a little idea - let me know what you think.
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*necromancy* (possibly)

Alright, I really support this suggestion, however, there should be a little strict rules in filtering the projects (not a map project with almost nothing except craps which can't be accepted at all (simple OE Edit, Leaky Triggers) in it should enter the forum), sadly, this will causes more works to moderators.

If we let it be, it might also turn into spam lair, where maps can be spammed easily due to no filtering from moderation.

So, I want others opinion about this, especially the filtering.
Level 13
May 24, 2005
I think a map submission should include the following:

- a short description so that other people can get an idea of the original concept
- at least one screenshot to get a rough impression
- information about the degree of completeness
- attachment of unprotected map file

I agree that there should be a certain filtering so that there are not too much crap projects and instead, there is a focus on ambitious projects worth sharing even if they are abandoned. Of course, this requires some moderation work, but I don't think it's that much. However, we can only make presumtions yet. Probably we would have to see how it turns out and especially how many people use it..
for excample my project dungeon of the chilling lord, I had almost finished it, and then my pc got broken and my map delete, personaly that is by far my best project, now I dont have wc3 at all, I have early beta version in map developement, but it is going nowhere. So yes if anyone would finish it (it is on 60-70%) I would be happy.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Really a great idea.
Many users have a problem and difficulties with starting a new project from scratch, and many users have lost time, will and motivation to finish their projects.
I like the idea, as it connects both useful and nice.

About forum sub-mods: there are lots of quality map reviewers, who, I believe, could make a dedicated team to take the requests of users, and then fix any major errors, write a short description, and make it available for other users as some sort of kickstart template.
And mini-mods could even upgrade those "templates" for the things they lack (like hero selection triggers in an arena map), so the users can get even easier start.
About forum sub-mods: there are lots of quality map reviewers, who, I believe, could make a dedicated team to take the requests of users, and then fix any major errors, write a short description, and make it available for other users as some sort of kickstart template.
And mini-mods could even upgrade those "templates" for the things they lack (like hero selection triggers in an arena map), so the users can get even easier start.
Sadly, it's not that many reviewers are active, but I guess this can worth a shot.
Kobas better see this thread.
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