A Few questions...

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Level 2
Feb 24, 2008
Hello to all who read this
Im making a new RPG map for warcraft three...
And I need some help first off....
1.Im using a creep revivale that I found ok.. But wanted soemoen to look at cause I want them to spawn in random spots not where they died...heres the trigger:
  • Creep Revival1
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 12 (Brown) Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Stalker
    • Actions
      • Wait 15.00 seconds
      • Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a Forest Stalker using The new unit's max life and mana
As you see im using a units I made called "Forest stalker"... I just want them to revive in a random area by the starter area of my map...
2.Making my creeps move :eek:
I wanna kinda just a little make them move around (But close to where they respawn or whatnot) so that it seems a lil more realistic.. You know?? I don't really have a base trigger for this...

3.And last but not least! My abilities book... The max lvl is 65 thus far (This is a beta map for the official :hohum: ) and I wanted to add an abilties book kinda like Defiances... I have a somewhat not really idea on a abilities book but I still need some help with it...

If someone could answer these questions for me I would deeply appreciate it!! Or send me to a tutorial or something thanks alot guys!:grin:
Level 8
Jun 25, 2007
  • Unit
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 12 (Brown) Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Grunt
    • Actions
      • Wait 15.00 seconds
      • Unit - Create 1 Grunt for Player 12 (Brown) at (Random point in (Starting Area)) facing Default building orientation
Do that and if its dont work i have an other trigger...
2: Add "Wander (Neutral)" ability for your unit
3: I dont understand your question

P.S. Don't do 2 Reply in a forum...
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Level 5
Jan 11, 2006
1.Im using a creep revivale that I found ok.. But wanted soemoen to look at cause I want them to spawn in random spots not where they died...heres the trigger:
  • Creep Revival1
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 12 (Brown) Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Stalker
    • Actions
      • Wait 15.00 seconds
      • Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a Forest Stalker using The new unit's max life and mana
As you see im using a units I made called "Forest stalker"... I just want them to revive in a random area by the starter area of my map..

Alright, to make them spawn in an area around where you want them you cant use the "Replace" action, you have to create a new unit entirely

  • ForestStalkerRespawn
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Stalker
    • Actions
      • Wait 30.00 seconds
      • Unit - Create 1 Forest Stalker for Player 12 (Brown) at (Random point in ForestStalkerplace <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
if you do this then you have to keep in mind you must make a seperate respawn for EVERY single unit.

2.I wanna kinda just a little make them move around (But close to where they respawn or whatnot) so that it seems a lil more realistic.. You know?? I don't really have a base trigger for this...

For that you just need a simple trigger:

  • ForestStalkerRoam
    • Events
      • Time - Every 8.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in ForestStalkerplace <gen> owned by Player 12 (Brown)) and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Attack-Move To (Random point in ForestStalkerplace <gen>)
Make sure you use attack move or they will move to the designated position before becoming hostile again. You also may want a larger timer depending on the size of the region so they have a chance to stop between walking.

3.And last but not least! My abilities book... The max lvl is 65 thus far (This is a beta map for the official ) and I wanted to add an abilties book kinda like Defiances... I have a somewhat not really idea on a abilities book but I still need some help with it...

Hmmm. I think i can help with this as well. All you need is multiple spellbook spells of the same name, and tooltip, that will overlap each other when you get to a level

  • Spellbook
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Gains a level
    • Conditions
      • (Hero level of (Triggering unit)) Equal to 10
    • Actions
      • Unit - Remove Spellbook from (Triggering unit)
      • Unit - Add Spellbook to (Triggering unit)
Make sure you have some way to identify which is which, of course the "Spellbook" being removed would be the level one "Spelbook" with only one spell, whereas the one being added is the level two "Spellbook" with two different skills, and the first one being better. This also requires that you make multiples of the spell if you want it to become better

I hope that helps.

Btw, i dont know whether or not the condition for (Hero level of (Triggering unit)) Equal to 10 will activate the skill at level 10, or 11, youll have to play around untill you know which is which.
Level 8
Jun 25, 2007
They still respawn in the position of where the units died...
  • Unit
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 12 (Brown) Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Grunt
    • Actions
      • Wait 15.00 seconds
      • Unit - Create 1 Grunt for Player 12 (Brown) at (Random point in (Starting Area)) facing Default building orientation
Did u tried that... and the "Starting area" its a region, make the region u want (Dont do replace unit).
Level 2
Feb 24, 2008
the units don't move still there jsut sitting there... I made the trigger for the region... But they still sit there...
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