Hello to all who read this
Im making a new RPG map for warcraft three...
And I need some help first off....
1.Im using a creep revivale that I found ok.. But wanted soemoen to look at cause I want them to spawn in random spots not where they died...heres the trigger:
2.Making my creeps move
I wanna kinda just a little make them move around (But close to where they respawn or whatnot) so that it seems a lil more realistic.. You know?? I don't really have a base trigger for this...
3.And last but not least! My abilities book... The max lvl is 65 thus far (This is a beta map for the official
) and I wanted to add an abilties book kinda like Defiances... I have a somewhat not really idea on a abilities book but I still need some help with it...
If someone could answer these questions for me I would deeply appreciate it!! Or send me to a tutorial or something thanks alot guys!
Im making a new RPG map for warcraft three...
And I need some help first off....
1.Im using a creep revivale that I found ok.. But wanted soemoen to look at cause I want them to spawn in random spots not where they died...heres the trigger:
Creep Revival1
Unit - A unit owned by Player 12 (Brown) Dies
(Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Stalker
Wait 15.00 seconds
Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a Forest Stalker using The new unit's max life and mana
2.Making my creeps move
I wanna kinda just a little make them move around (But close to where they respawn or whatnot) so that it seems a lil more realistic.. You know?? I don't really have a base trigger for this...
3.And last but not least! My abilities book... The max lvl is 65 thus far (This is a beta map for the official

If someone could answer these questions for me I would deeply appreciate it!! Or send me to a tutorial or something thanks alot guys!