1. Is it possible to create terrain boundaries like you could in WC3?
2. How do I make the screen completely black like in Mafia? do I have to create a dialog item image and attach a large black picture to it?
3. Will triggers like these cause the game to lag?
2. How do I make the screen completely black like in Mafia? do I have to create a dialog item image and attach a large black picture to it?
3. Will triggers like these cause the game to lag?
Waterfall Energy Regen
- Timer - Every 1.0 seconds of Game Time
- Local Variables
- Conditions
Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in Waterfall owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
- Unit - Set (Picked unit) Energy to (((Picked unit) Energy (Current)) + 1.0)
Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in Waterfall owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)