So this is your infamous cinematic! Let's have a critique now.
First I'll start with the cinematic itself, looks stunning from what I saw. The video is ok without excessive effects and pointless camera shaking, good job on that. How did you edit it? Is everything made only in warcraft or did you add some video editing magic?
The terrain, is great, really feels like it fits in the cinematic. Nice sky and environment attempts, I can see that you spend some time working on the terrains. I noticed there are a few terrain meshes there as well?
The lighting is good considering you made it with glows and fog.
Nice sound, Who Voice acted?
Something that got me confused is the story, had to watch the video a couple of times since it wasn't clear to me who was the enemy. You lack a description, could share more light on what's actually going on. It's not really hard to figure out in this type of short film but the description practice is welcome, some people read it. I might confuse people with my own cinematic now that I think about it. Episode one was simple but in ep 2 I think I'm not really making sense so I'll have to describe the story. Oh well it's episode 2 I can have some plot holes.
Over all it seems like a badass trailer for a Lords Movie and the abrupt camera transitions ~much~ it like a glove. The wow model animations are robotic but it adds well enough to the trailer sensation. Wish it was a bit longer and I'm looking forward to your next work.
Your work is appreciated.
Edit: Never mind what I said about the story, makes perfect sense, I was just tired when I watched it.
The only problem I see is format, you could of croped the movie and give it a appropriate HD format, the black frames don't do good.