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4 spell suggestions, pls?

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Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
I've got a hero with balanced out stats all taken care of. His name is Creed Angelus, the Haemomancer. He uses Medivh's model file, and Furion's sound set. I've also got spell names ready, but as usual, I need help deciding what they do.

If possible, could you make up some effect that matches the names of these abilities?

Please note that the letters within the [] are my planned hotkeys. So the spells I ask for help with that don't have hotkeys are of course, passive.

1. H[e]artbeat Strike - Lays a heartstopping curse that deals damage over time on a target unit. A unit affected by Heartbeat Strike slows down by 5% every second for 10 seconds. Damage lasts 5 seconds. (THANKS TO M.I.A.)

2. Blood Siphon - The Haemomancer draws blood from his opponents' open wounds, causing them to be slowed if attacked. Units that attack the affected targets regain a fixed amount of health. (THANKS TO DARKWULFV)

3. io Anima - ???????

4. Blood [F]ield - ???????

2 more left. Thanks guys.
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Level 5
Jan 27, 2007
I was busy making my project map when I stopped over here....

1. Hearthbeat Strike -> Something like back effect, when the character attacked- the effect will appear at back... The model is like a force with a triangle shape (or semi, fits to what you want). The dark ritual would be fine or the taunt.

2. Blood Siphon -> You can make it in 100 range or lesser to make it more realistic. Make splatters of blood appear when the skill is channeled or used.

3. Bio Anima -> Find a model that looks like spills, it would be fine or the shadow strike model.

4. Blood Field -> This is the hard part, I suggest you find a model of large blood AoE or something..... Then find what suits you best.

Cheers, Meercat.
Level 3
Nov 11, 2007
Hearthbeat Strike -> Instant bonus attack perhaps?

Blood Siphon -> Change the art of a poison effect, so that it deals damage over time and in someway indicates blood, tint target red perhaps? or setup a trigger to to play (Then destroy!) a blood splattering effect every now and then.

Bio Anima -> no ideas

Blood field -> Perhaps an aura that lowers the enemies attack, armor, and/or movement speed? Or gives friendlies a bonus of some kind, (Like attack speed) or both.
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Hmm. An aura for an ulti... riight...

I'll take the blood siphon suggestion, though, but turn it into Heartbeat Strike, since damage over time would fit the description: "with each stroke of the enemy's beating heart..."

Level 5
Dec 17, 2007
Heartbeat Strike: Periodic damage that will occaisonally stun (like skipping a heartbeat).

Blood Siphon: When attacking, you restore health and mana. There is a chance that when you attack, the target will be afflicted with Heartbeat Strike (if the hero has it learned).

Bio Anima: Summons a powerful creature of blood and gore. As long as this creature is alive and attacking, the Haemonancer has to give up health and mana to sustain it. The Bio Anima should be very strong and have some decent abilities. It can be destroyed on your call, or dies after X seconds, restoring 1/3 of the life/mana invested.

Blood Field: Makes a fountain of blood burst forth from the ground, splattering enemies nearby the targeted point. These enemies have a chance to miss and are more likely to be afflicted with Heartbeat Strike (from Blood Siphon's effect). Allies who attack these targets restore a small amount of health.

Hope you like these ideas, I tried to work some synergy in there as well.
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Heartbeat Strike: Periodic damage that will occaisonally stun (like skipping a heartbeat).

Blood Siphon: When attacking, you restore health and mana. There is a chance that when you attack, the target will be afflicted with Heartbeat Strike (if the hero has it learned).

Bio Anima: Summons a powerful creature of blood and gore. As long as this creature is alive and attacking, the Haemonancer has to give up health and mana to sustain it. The Bio Anima should be very strong and have some decent abilities. It can be destroyed on your call, or dies after X seconds, restoring 1/3 of the life/mana invested.

Blood Field: Makes a fountain of blood burst forth from the ground, splattering enemies nearby the targeted point. These enemies have a chance to miss and are more likely to be afflicted with Heartbeat Strike (from Blood Siphon's effect). Allies who attack these targets restore a small amount of health.

Hope you like these ideas, I tried to work some synergy in there as well.

1. Heartbeat Strike: Very nice, and suits the description well.
2. Blood Siphon: Similar to Vamp Aura, but stacks with range. That's good
3. Bio Anima: Gives a temporary advantage by summoning a Blood Monster thingy. Balanced, too.
4. Blood Field: Interesting, and original. Cool.

1. Heartbeat Strike: People might think it was ripped off from Darchrow's Malefice. (DotA is very influential)
2. Blood Siphon: None. I love it. :)
3. Bio Anima: This could make the Hero hard to use for beginners.
4. Blood Field: Seems...quite hard to trigger...
Level 5
Dec 17, 2007
1. Uhh... Yeah, people use point-click stun spells, but does that mean they're ripped from Storm Bolt? No. If you make the spell have the same general effect but a different name, graphics, etc., people probably won't notice the difference.

2. Glad you like it.

3. I don't think it would be too hard to use. I'm sure you could tweak it to make it work.

4. It's quite easy to trigger. Lemme run it down for you.

1: Make blood graphics
2: Make a dummy caster cast a modified "Drunken Haze" (for the missing)
3: In Blood Siphon, add a check that increases the chance of giving the target Heartbeat Strike if they have the Blood Field buff.
4: Save the caster in a global variable (unless this needs to be MUI, in which case use a handle system), and have a trigger that fires only when a unit with the Blood Field buff is attacked. Check that the attacker is an ally of the saved hero, and if it passes, heal the target a little.

That's about how it would work.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
1- Something Like Doom (silence and DoT)
2- Causes Nearby Enemies to miss by percent (about 500 AoE) Passive or Active/deactive
3- Reduces armor of enemies and damages them with a carrion swarm type spell
4- Bloodlust type spell
Level 7
Feb 25, 2007
3. io Anima - (my idea of what it could be) A small chemical reaction around the caster damages all units around him for 100 damage and slowly kills those closest to the caster for 5 damage a second for 10 seconds, those further out get damaged 3 damage for 5 seconds.
(yes this probably would be very hard to make)

4. Blood [F]ield - The caster loses 300 life. Then a small ring of blood goes out from the caster all around the caster dealing 200 damage to all units around him. Once the blood reaches a big circle around the caster it starts to fill in with blood. Soon the blood drops down on the enemies around the caster dealing another 250 damage..
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
3. io Anima - (my idea of what it could be) A small chemical reaction around the caster damages all units around him for 100 damage and slowly kills those closest to the caster for 5 damage a second for 10 seconds, those further out get damaged 3 damage for 5 seconds.
(yes this probably would be very hard to make)

4. Blood [F]ield - The caster loses 300 life. Then a small ring of blood goes out from the caster all around the caster dealing 200 damage to all units around him. Once the blood reaches a big circle around the caster it starts to fill in with blood. Soon the blood drops down on the enemies around the caster dealing another 250 damage..

Okay, I've just decided to make Bio Anima a summoning ability, so no thanks for d first suggestion.

Hmm. Blood Field as an advanced nova ability... Interesting... This should come in handy. Thanks. I think Wulf's suggestion combined with this would be neat.
I like the thought. Not finalized yet, but I like the thought.
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Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
3-Bio Anima : Creates X numbers of Spirit Of Nature at the desired location of the caster

4-Blood Field : Creates a massive number of novas, 30% of the damage made by
the novas will go to the original caster

and no i wasnt inspired by anything the other pips posted becuz i didnt take my time to read the other replies XDD so i only read the first post and replied...
Level 3
Mar 2, 2008
Bio Anima - summons a blood golem with current hp equal to 50% of the hero's hp. The golem will have a slow/dps attack (like slow poison) and/or have a chance to infect a target unit. infected units deal less damage, take damage over time, and infect other units around if they die under the infection.

Blood Field - the caster loses 100 hp, and creates random explosions of blood around him (create dummys and explode em). Damages all units around the caster, and due to the nature of the explosion, deal additional DPS to the afflicted units. any units that would die from the DPS will die/explode instantly.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Bio Anima(translated Biological Reanimate) - Animates the power of biological elemental reagents, starting to create goo which rises high and starts to attack enemies, any attack against that goo (goo has a 80% chance to evade) which hits destroys the goo.

Blood Field - Creates a blast of gore and blood, creating a pool of the life essence, dealing damage equal to the units which are inside, dealing 1% of the max life of all enemies staying in the blood field per second to all enemies in the blood field.
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