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3-Tier Power Generator

A futuristic power generator building model with animations for 3 upgrade tiers.

- Uses only in-game textures
- Custom animations for 3 upgrade tiers
- File size: 26kb


Give credits if you use it.

power, generator, 3, tier, tiers, upgrade

3-Tier Power Generator (Model)

08:50, 5th May 2010 General Frank: Cool accessory model. Approved. Works ingame.




08:50, 5th May 2010
General Frank:

Cool accessory model. Approved. Works ingame.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
As far as I can see he mostly used 1 same mesh and just changed how it looks using animation. He probably made that last upgrade, and so if you compress them in animation like in tier 1 or 2 it wont be noticeable. Clever and that's why it has great file size.
Of course I could be wrong but :p

Looks good man, 5/5 +rep
Level 14
Jan 5, 2009
I made some icons using them GIFS, they may not be great but theyre ok.

These models are great! Im using these in my campaign (signature).


  • BTNGenerator T1.BLP
    9.2 KB · Views: 212
  • BTNGenerator T2.BLP
    9.7 KB · Views: 181
  • BTNGenerator T3.BLP
    8.2 KB · Views: 199
  • DISBTNGenerator T1.BLP
    7.6 KB · Views: 178
  • DISBTNGenerator T2.BLP
    8.1 KB · Views: 172
  • DISBTNGenerator T3.BLP
    6.9 KB · Views: 167
i only have one question... it reverts back to it's original form after i issue 2 orders to the advanced version (animation 4,5 etc). how do i stop this? or is it even preventable?

You must set the required animation names (Upgrade Second or Upgrade First) in the object editor to set the tier of the model you wish to use. Look at human tower buildings for an example.

Alternatively, I believe adding an animation tag (Upgrade Second or Upgrade First) with triggers should work as well. However, this method will skip the corresponding birth animation unless you separately order it to be played.