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3 Spells need help with triggers

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Level 1
Sep 24, 2004
hey guys can u help me with some spells
1) dominate - user gains control of enemy hero for 2/3/4 seconds.

i cant get this to work, i had something like
Unit - a unit starts the effect of a ability
Ability - equal to dominate
Unit - change ownership of (target unit of ability being cast) to player 1 (only p1 can use this spell)

then i had a wait 3 seconds trigger, and then i would change the ownership of the unit back to its original owner, but it would never work, the unit would just stay in player 1 reds control.

2) Mesmerise - basically the target enemy would change ownership to neutral, and then id give them a effect so they cannot move/attack/be attacked, but im not sure how to do this,

3) Shape of the beast - user can pick a critter or neutral friendly unit wandering around the map and turn into them for a limited time.

i know ud have to do change ownership but how would u remove your hero, and then bring them back after the time limit?
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Ok... as I can see all the spells have in common mind manipulation. Hopefully you can do some triggers and I can help you by giving you the trigger ideas you need. Check Raven's seduce spell to learn how to temporarily control an unit. For conditions like targeting a hero, a Neutral Passive unit check my Sacrifice spell. It helps you with such conditions. Hope you can do it ^_^. If you can't post back here and I'll try to clarify again.
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