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2d artist needed

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Modeling team needed (2D artist, Animators,...etc.)

I need a modeling team to help me with my new upcoming models since I'm not too good at anything but 3D-modeling and making icons


1. Ak47 model update:
I already have submitted an Ak-47 3D model to this website and I have decided to update it. the 3d model is already done all i need it texturing and animating.

2. Rathalos Model (MH):
Needs to be animated


Animations required:

-On Land-
bite left
bite right
tail whip (spins; 360)
walk fast -or- charge
taunt (kicks dirt with on foot while "smiling")
walk limping
flinch -or- stand hit

Morph Alternate
Morph drop (falls from midair)
stand alternate (flying)
walk alternate
charge -or- walk fast alternate (doesnt flap wings)
attack alternate (flaps wings to create a wind shockwave)
Attack Morph Alternate (Claw attack landing)

Spell (fireball)
Spell Alternate (Flying fireball)
Spell Slam (Slams tail again the ground)

Look at rathalos encounters for refrences, there might be more

Download rathalos.mdx (don't use it without my permisson please and thank you)

3. Great Jaggi (MH):
The model is a work in progress, the legs need to be reworked but it also needs to be textures and animated



  • ak47-001.png
    73.1 KB · Views: 629
  • ratee.mdx
    58.8 KB · Views: 157
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hmm... not sure If im good enough,

What I can do
-Simple Model

What I can't do
-Particle Emitter

When I can Start Help?
-Around this December to be Active
-Simple Edit can do when I have time

What can I do for texture?
-Merge my future Possible Team with yours, bring in My possible future Texturer Herrdave (We Havent Started a Team and I Haven't ask him yet)

What do you need to do to get me to your team?
-Don't Scold me
-Don't Scold Herrdave
-Don't Give too Much Stress
-I Expect Help if I want to do my own Models

Please Inform Me If Im Accepted
I can Animate That Gun if you want... just tell me how should it look like :p (Im not a Creative Person)
hmm... not sure If im good enough,

What I can do
-Simple Model

What I can't do
-Particle Emitter

When I can Start Help?
-Around this December to be Active
-Simple Edit can do when I have time

What can I do for texture?
-Merge my future Possible Team with yours, bring in My possible future Texturer Herrdave (We Havent Started a Team and I Haven't ask him yet)

What do you need to do to get me to your team?
-Don't Scold me
-Don't Scold Herrdave
-Don't Give too Much Stress
-I Expect Help if I want to do my own Models

Please Inform Me If Im Accepted
I can Animate That Gun if you want... just tell me how should it look like :p (Im not a Creative Person)

Accepted, but please try to learn particle emitters, its easy to do in magos (Warcraft iii model editor), look through the tutrorials on the hive workshop, it only took me few minutes to make my first particle emitter (it was a simple explosion) and it only took some practice to master it.
I wil ask if Herrdave wanna join...
and if you want me to animate, you need to tell me how should the animation look like, because Im a Non-Creative Person

i will try to learn particle emitter

btw, I have some Reading Problem, Lot's of Word = Woah, this is useful, but Im Gonna Read this "Later"

while the later is probably Forever Later

For paticle emitter, thishttp://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/3d-modeling-tutorials-282/making-effects-magos-35101/ is the tutorial I learned with and it has a part 2 and 3 for advanced techniques, It is a lot of words but its actually fun so yeah

for animating the gun, I want it to release a particle emitter just like the real ak-47, make it last only for a flash (a very short moment) and give it ridiculous speed.

And ill be glad to welcome herrdave to out team.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Perphaps I could help, if you like
What I can do
-Animation (Not to much)
-Simple Model
-Scratch Model

What I can't do
-Some Textures
-Hard Animations
-Body Creating

When I can Start Help?
-Depends, but I'll be active in every next 1-4 days

Mind if I pick some words you made Hayate?
Perphaps I could help, if you like
What I can do
-Animation (Not to much)
-Simple Model
-Scratch Model

What I can't do
-Some Textures
-Hard Animations
-Body Creating

When I can Start Help?
-Depends, but I'll be active in every next 1-4 days

Mind if I pick some words you made Hayate?

Okay, whenever I make the 3d model for the hero shaman or the my modeling contest submission, we can try to animate/reanimate them and we will upload the best one under our team's works on this post.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Okay, whenever I make the 3d model for the hero shaman or the my modeling contest submission, we can try to animate/reanimate them and we will upload the best one under our team's works on this post.

alright, once you get started, VM or PM me, or maybe I'll just check this thread


Edit: what do you mean pick some words you made Hayate? ?

You don't recognize your own "What I can do" and "What I can't do" things? :>
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
A eam?! Awesome

What i can to:
Scratch modelling (basic)
Model edit
Wrapping thing
Simple particle effect
Animation (manual)

What i cant do:
Merging geosets
Modelling face

Also I am not too active and i can drawing concept for reference box
A eam?! Awesome

What i can to:
Scratch modelling (basic)
Model edit
Wrapping thing
Simple particle effect
Animation (manual)

What i cant do:
Merging geosets
Modelling face

Also I am not too active and i can drawing concept for reference box

What Program do you use?

Edit: would you like to try and animate the MH1: Rathalos that I made? I'm not so good at animating and right now I'm waiting on someone to do the texturing of the model
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Whoa!, thats nice one, what animation does it need?

-On Land-
bite left
bite right
tail whip (spins; 360)
walk fast -or- charge
taunt (kicks dirt with on foot while "smiling")
walk limping
flinch -or- stand hit

Morph Alternate
Morph drop (falls from midair)
stand alternate (flying)
walk alternate
charge -or- walk fast alternate (doesnt flap wings)
attack alternate (flaps wings to create a wind shockwave)
Attack Morph Alternate (Claw attack landing)

Spell (fireball)
Spell Alternate (Flying fireball)
Spell Slam (Slams tail again the ground)

Look at rathalos encounters for refrences, there might be more
Level 24
May 15, 2013
what 3ds max do you have? or what program do you use if not 3ds max


Here is an mdx
Download rathalos.mdx (don't use it without my permisson please and thank you)

P.S. PLease keep me updated with any progress and goodluck :)

I use Mdlvis and still practicing with 3ds max, that's why I want to try animating it, oh yeah, the model link seems to be invalid, :/
I use Mdlvis and still practicing with 3ds max, that's why I want to try animating it, oh yeah, the model link seems to be invalid, :/

Here is a working link sorry I reuploaded the model and forgot to change the link

Download rathalos.mdx (don't use it without my permisson please and thank you)

Can i work with that too? It will be quite slow though, but at least you can import the animation.
Yes you can, take your time there is no rush
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