2 Question (SpellBook and Auto)

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Level 2
Dec 25, 2008
Hi Hive !!

Q1: I have a problem with Spellbook...How i order the spell that i atach to it?. (using a dummy unit for disable the spells) I Want to each spell has a position in the spellbook, is it possible?. With passive skills is the same, but these are in wherever place of the spellbook, the actives (like blizzard) go to the first slot, if i learn summon water elemental this remplace the first slot and blizard go to right.

Q2: Mmmm, how i autocast an ability (like heal) with triggers? (GUI)...

Well, thanks to all!!
Level 2
Dec 25, 2008
1. Order as any other spells. For positions in spellbook check positions in spellbook spell list.
2. You can't. You can use only orders. Or dummy (and reduce mana of unit with triggers).

1. yeah, but the problem is if the spellbook hasn't spells...i add the spells to it...like learning blizzard, in a normal map, but the skill goes to spellbook, so, if then i learn summon water elemental, it is in first place, and blizzard seconds...

2. damn...doesnt exist something that autocast all abilities?, or, an ablity that always is autocast?.

3. Mmm, can i play a sound just for 1 player?
Level 9
Apr 3, 2008
3. If you use WEU, you can make it on GUI. This will play sound to player 1
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
      • Player 1 (Red) Equal to (Local player)
    • Then - Actions
      • Sound - Play WyvernCageDeath1 <gen>
    • Else - Actions
If you use other editor, use jass.
function Trig_Trigger_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    if ( Player(0) == GetLocalPlayer() ) then
        call PlaySoundBJ( gg_snd_WyvernCageDeath1 )

function InitTrig_Trigger takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Trigger = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Trigger, function Trig_Trigger_Actions )
Level 2
Dec 25, 2008
Q1: I have a problem with Spellbook...How i order the spell that i atach to it?. (using a dummy unit for disable the spells) I Want to each spell has a position in the spellbook, is it possible?. With passive skills is the same, but these are in wherever place of the spellbook, the actives (like blizzard) go to the first slot, if i learn summon water elemental this remplace the first slot and blizard go to right.

Mmm, and how i place a spell in the spellbook?
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