2 Problems: Animations and Flying Heights

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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Ok, 2 problems:

How do I get the object editor to distinguish between two different "Attack Slam" animations? One animation is called "Attack Slam" and the second one is called "Attack Slam - 2".. but entering these as strings in the object editor just makes it pick one of them at random. I want it to only use the Attack Slam - 2 animation but not the first one. If this is solvable by triggers also, I'll take that route.

Second (SOLVED)
How can I change a non-flying unit to have a different flying height? For example, a unit that can hover has a flying height, but the trigger editor doesn't seem to be able to change this hover height at all. Making the unit flying isn't a possible solution here, as it would mean massive reworks of the entire map that I'm not going to do.
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Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Thanks both of you, you've been a great help.

EDIT: Triggering the animation doesn't seem to work. The ability I'm using is based on Channel, and the Art - Animation Names field is blank, but it seems to default to the unit's cast Animation when doing that, and so the triggered Animation doesn't work. Adding a "Reset Unit's Animations" before telling it to use the Attack Slam - 2 doesn't appear to have any effect either.

Not only that, but triggering the unit to play its Attack Slam - 2 animation just makes it pick either the first or the second slam.
Level 15
Aug 31, 2009
Will this override the tendency for the unit to want to use its cast animation by default though?
EDIT: Just tried it, and it doesn't seem to be able to stop the unit wanting to use its ordinary cast animation. This is with Art Animation Names left blank. Putting anything else in there makes them use that animation, and the JASS still doesn't seem to be able to override it.

The command I'm using is
  • Set BladeBlazer = (Triggering Unit)
  • Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_BladeBlazer, 2)
But it simply doesn't work, and the unit still uses its cast animation when using the Channel Based spell. As an aside, the channel is using a cast time of 0 but a follow-through time of 2.25 seconds.
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