- Joined
- May 29, 2011
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Hello everybody. I worked on 2 maps at the moment, so this is just a little idea. Becouz that, everybody is promised and welcoome to use this idea for his/her map.
We all know the 2-player campaignmaps of "TheSpoon".
But my idea is something different.
The Map: One Big Size-Map with many "Minichapter-Maps. Maybe 2 or more different Terraintypes(Lordaron,Ashenvale/Black Zitadelle, Northrend etc.) including.
-Every Player play one Fraction and fight on the minichapters against each other.
-When one Minichapter finished, the next mission will come.The Storyline is not linear. Also every chapter include 2 or more possible ends. The first possible end will come, when Player 1 wins, the second end come when player 2 win.
-Every player have different quests(But of course it should be balanced)
Have you Questions about this idea, so ask me.
What are the 2-Playercampaign from TheSpoon?
Look here for the maps http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps.php?d=list&r=20&u=Thespoon
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We all know the 2-player campaignmaps of "TheSpoon".
But my idea is something different.
The Map: One Big Size-Map with many "Minichapter-Maps. Maybe 2 or more different Terraintypes(Lordaron,Ashenvale/Black Zitadelle, Northrend etc.) including.
-Every Player play one Fraction and fight on the minichapters against each other.
-When one Minichapter finished, the next mission will come.The Storyline is not linear. Also every chapter include 2 or more possible ends. The first possible end will come, when Player 1 wins, the second end come when player 2 win.
-Every player have different quests(But of course it should be balanced)
Have you Questions about this idea, so ask me.
What are the 2-Playercampaign from TheSpoon?
This are maps with the original campaignchapters, which can be played by 2 players in coop!
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