(2)Icemond Burlums v1.1

(2)Icemond Burlums
Player Suggest: 1v1
Map Creator: Zucth

Map Description:
A icy shroom regions, Icemond Burlum were name after a special fruits that can only be found in the zone.

Neutral Building:
6 Expansion Goldmines (start - 13500, easy - 12500, hard - 13000)
1 Tavern
2 Lab
2 Goblin Merchant
2 FoH

MMC ver:
6 Expansion Goldmines (start - 13500, easy - 12500, hard - 13000)
1 Tavern
2 Lab
2 Goblin Merchant
2 Drake Roost (Knecht Suggest)

Reforged (ATR) ver: - last update version
6 Expansion Goldmines (start - 13500, easy - 12500, hard - 13000)
1 Tavern
2 Lab
2 Goblin Merchant
2 Merc (Robogoblin request for ATR cup) - ICG

Creep Camp:
16 Green
32 Orange
5 Red (+8 base)

-playable size 112x76
-purple/white theme
-risky instant lv2 camp near fountain.

v1.1 add ATR version to the site due to popularity (which now change name to the last up to date version REFORGED)
-makura at green expo switch one healing/frost armor to melee. Feel like HU has a huge disadvantage here took to long to take over.

Creator Note:
-Wanna stick with some of the old blizzard map layout and idea.
-special thank to Tenshi for a variety of ice name which I end up with icemond.
-special thank to MMC for MMC version. It sad that shroom doesn't last long xD.
-This map has been use in ATR Cup & Enot.io tournament.

(2)Icemond Burlums (Map)

(2)Icemond Burlums MMC (Map)

Icemond Burlums (Map)

So... is "burlum" a real word? Google seems to not think so. Again, a solid map (or good two maps, since there are two variations of it). What stands out: 1. Maybe the natural expansion creeps are too weak, in particular since having the same frost...


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
So... is "burlum" a real word? Google seems to not think so.

Again, a solid map (or good two maps, since there are two variations of it). What stands out:
1. Maybe the natural expansion creeps are too weak, in particular since having the same frost armor/healing creep twice come with diminishing returns that further weaken the camp. Maybe change one of them to a melee lvl 2 makrura, or probably better yet, upgrade it to a lvl 3+ creep.
2. I'm not entirely convinced by neither the fountain nor the modified dragon roost; but atm I would prefer to see the latter. Is it intentional that the fountains are still easily accessibly at night despite the skeleton orc?
3. I cant shake off the impression the the map is relatively narrow, even though objectively it probably isnt.

Overall this seems to be map without a major flaw, but for me it's one of those maps which somehow feels like the map as a whole is less than the sum of its parts, without me being able to say what exactly could be done to improve it. Nevertheless, it is a very viable 1v1 map. Approved.
Level 27
Jan 4, 2020
So... is "burlum" a real word? Google seems to not think so.

Again, a solid map (or good two maps, since there are two variations of it). What stands out:
1. Maybe the natural expansion creeps are too weak, in particular since having the same frost armor/healing creep twice come with diminishing returns that further weaken the camp. Maybe change one of them to a melee lvl 2 makrura, or probably better yet, upgrade it to a lvl 3+ creep.
2. I'm not entirely convinced by neither the fountain nor the modified dragon roost; but atm I would prefer to see the latter. Is it intentional that the fountains are still easily accessibly at night despite the skeleton orc?
3. I cant shake off the impression the the map is relatively narrow, even though objectively it probably isnt.

Overall this seems to be map without a major flaw, but for me it's one of those maps which somehow feels like the map as a whole is less than the sum of its parts, without me being able to say what exactly could be done to improve it. Nevertheless, it is a very viable 1v1 map. Approved.
of course burlum is not a real word, when I first name the map I cant get the word berry out of my head. :goblin_yeah: