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1. The Spider Arises

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
this the first map of a campaing I found in another map page, aparently the page was left and nobody make changes on it for years I mean, the last change was in 2004 T_T.
I really liked the campaing so i upload it now for those who like campings like me(as voices of his creators like pyrite adventure, and is really cool).
I didn´t make anything of the campaing, i only download it credits are on the maps.
Hope you like it.

1. The Spider Arises (Map)

15:09, 7th Jun 2008 Rui: The Spider Queen has already been uploaded as a campaign. Separated maps cannot be linked together.




15:09, 7th Jun 2008
Rui: The Spider Queen has already been uploaded as a campaign. Separated maps cannot be linked together.
Level 7
May 11, 2008
as i said before i haven´t change anything, yes i thought in make a complete campaing but i´m trying to contact with his creator to ask him but i couldn´t yet. so that why i didn´t do anything to this campaing. In future i will make it a campaing and not all those maps but first i´m trying to contact with darky26, the creator.

dave_wwid there are no versions of this campaing here, looked that before i upload the map.
Level 4
Feb 20, 2007
Darky26 is 29 now or possibly 30. tsq.w3n means "The spider queen". I downloaded this campaign not long ago from this site. It includes all maps. The work was done long ago. Anyway, there's a rather buggy part 2 "Return of the dragon" which the author didn't test well enough. If there's a fixed version of ROTD free of bugs then it's worth hosting here. That's the matter to settle with Darky29 if he still does anything in TFT.
Level 4
Feb 20, 2007
Well, I apologize. After tft 1.07 lots have changed. It would be nice to see ROTD tailored for TFT 1.17-1.21. To be exact the Spider queen campaign file is nc_tsq.w3n and full name "Nature's Call. The Spider queen"