
  1. erfanmola

    Prevent UI Stretch in < 1.29

    Hi, Im using 1.26a patch with RenderEdge_WideScreen fix, It has almost fixed the GameView Stretching issue on 16:9 aspect ratio, but the UI is still stretched I was wondering if there is any way to fix this, maybe by replacing 1.26a UI files with 1.29 ? or maybe reforged ? or any other solution...
  2. ENAleksey

    [RenderEdge] Memory Hack

    Basic version | Experimental version | Widescreen Fix Current version v1.0.5a Introduction Now it's possible to edit the standard interface of Warcraft without the need to inject third-party libraries. Requirements: WarCraft III patch 1.26a; Experimental version of pjass. Code Memory...
  3. ENAleksey

    [RenderEdge] Widescreen Fix

    Basic version | Experimental version | Memory Hack Current version v1.2.0c Widescreen fix for Warcraft III A standalone version of RenderEdge with only widescreen fix. Adds support for monitors with aspect ratios wider than 4:3. Installation Just put the .mix file from archive into the...
  4. ENAleksey

    [RenderEdge] Experimental version

    Basic version | Widescreen Fix | Memory Hack The experimental version is no longer supported, use basic version. Introduction RenderEdge is a modification for Warcraft III, aimed first and foremost at improving the graphical components of the game by implementing a newer version of the...
  5. ENAleksey

    [RenderEdge] Graphic modification for Warcraft III

    Experimental version | Widescreen Fix | Memory Hack Current version v0.3.0 Introduction I think many people have seen the Nirvana project where the author has implemented Normal Mapping, Shadow Volume, and various post-effects. I decided to continue his work. RenderEdge is a modification...