
  1. Dord96

    [HD/Modeling] Human rifelman

    hello can any one pleass make human rifelman for a human only armys or even for the diffrent human kingdoms for rang unit insted of just bows and arrows or keep using the dwrven rifelman ? thanks in advance
  2. Holy Fool Sehrael

    [HD/Modeling] [Request] Human/High Elf Hero with Spear (Ranged)

    Hi there, I'm currently getting into mapping and doing my first campaign in Reforged, but for my protagonist I couldn't find a model because what I want is rather unique and special. Basically I want to create a male, human or high elf STR ranged Spear hero whose colour scheme would be...
  3. Ruvven

    [Trigger] Melee/Ranged Isnt Working

    Hello Community that has helped me understand so many things in the WE! #MuchAppreciation! I am having trouble with yet another situation here as i have googled and searched through here for answers on switching from Melee -> Ranged and keeping spells and all of that is cool. The problem is...
  4. Thiiago

    [Trigger Skill Help] Focued Shoot!

    I needed a trigger for every third attack on my Elven Ranger the next attack to cause 5% of the attacker's current health as piercing damage. I tried to do it for "An unit is attacked", but it seems that it is buggy because I can have it attack and cancel the animation and even so the effect...
  5. Thiiago

    [GUI] Ranged and Meele by Trigger in Actual Version

    I need a system to switch via Trigger my hero a Shaman to be a Ranged or a Meele. Ranged Stance: - Damage Type: Magic - Weapon Type: Missile - Attack Range: 800 - Missile Speed: 1000 - Weapon Sound: None - Missile Art: Lightning Orb / Shaman missile Meele Stance: - Damage Type: Normal -...
  6. Xen Skooma

    Peasant's Militia with rifleman's rifle

    I dont know if someone already made Militia with ranged weapons, especially for the Call to Arms ability.
  7. Arodon.

    How to change unit range (from melee to ranged)

    Hi there, (you can skip this part,it only says how i got that idea to make it) I saw some of the people having problems with making unit from melee to range. Lot of "advices" was to do it by orb,but that is stupid and it doesnt work for ground units. Another advice...
  8. Yours Truly

    [General] Thorns Aura for Ranged Units?

    Basically, I want the thorns aura to reflect damage to ranged units also. I tried to trigger it but it doesn't work as planned. WIII generic Thorns aura ability only affects melee enemy units, as said in its description. Thanks,in advance.
  9. _Guhun_

    Model/Skin Request: Ranged Unit

    Hey guys. I looked around for one, but could not find it at all =/ Can anyone point me to a model that is a human ranged unit that has a similar color scheme and armor style to this? Black Legion Priest If you don't know any model like this, but want to make one, that would be greatly...
  10. Tagar

    Request- young slinger

    hello can someone help me editing this model http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources/orc-slinger.36148/ giving him a younger look adding some leather armor making a proper missile (Optional) give him a battle cleaver in the belt with a morf animation and alternate attack animations