I heard you should "null" the variables when you don't need it anymore, but I saw people sometimes didn't do this when they recommend triggers, so when is necessary do this?
Hello, I was reading about leaks and I didn't quite fully grasp when I should null a Unit variable and other Object variables.
Here are some examples of what I'm currently doing:
Example 1
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being...
The following code returns true for r == 0.0 and r == null. Can anyone tell me why? I would expect that only r==0.0 would return true.
local unit t = GetTriggerUnit()
local real r = 0.0
//Save 0.0 value to hashtable
call SaveRealBJ(0.0, GetHandleIdBJ(t), 1, udg_hashTable)
//Other actions...
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