icon help

  1. Shayoo

    Tooltip of custom spell not showing once in game.

    Hi i am in front of a big problem for all new spells i created in my map : On one of my current map project the icon path for custom abilities wasn't the custom enabled icon but the basic spell of a paladin "holy light". the description tool tip matches while its unlearned but as soon as you...
  2. Lazarator

    Invisible Model(s) and Icon(s)

    Hello everybody! :) I hope you're having a great day, because I'm not. This modelling is giving me quite a headache. :( Recently I've been making a map and I just can't seem to make some models and icons work. Not all models and icons doesn't work for me. In fact, most are working fine...
  3. LoryGundevil

    [Solved] Disabled Icon

    I need help with custom Icons for a passive ability. I made an Icon named "Secondo" that has all the files BLP PAS, DISPAS ect... I put them in their own folder and i edited the ability like that. Art - Icon - Normal : ReplaceableTextures\PassiveButtons\PASBTNSecondo.blp And so far it works...
  4. HolyWillRise

    Icon for scrap metal?

    I have an Engineer which can build big robotic/mechanical spider, everytime the machine (spider) dies, it gonna drop scrap metal. The problem is that i can't find good icon for scrap metal. Can anybody help?
  5. Majid_Ne

    Problems with BTN & DISBTN

    Hi , I'm working on a project , I import two files and didn't change default path BTNFootman.blp DISBTNFootman.blp I have a problem.When I click on menu in game , icons i imported , became green. I searched and I couldn't find any solution. So I posted this thread. If you know any idea , let...
  6. Voxelvoid

    Importing an Icon (HELP)

    So I begin with choosing the icon I want. I want to use it for an item. So from the beginning I only downloaded the first one, the BTN. It didnt work and after searching around it seemed I needed the DISBTN too. So I downloaded that one as well. Still nothing worked. I was confused as I didn't...