hero glow

  1. Teitan

    [SD/Modeling] Add hero glow to the orc warlock model (the guy with a shield and weird hat, not the old hunched one)

    Hello, i wonder if someone could please do a quick edit of the orc warlock model? i want it to have hero glow both at it's origin point (feet) but also on its weapon, just a simple glow on the ram skull. I intend to use it as a hero, but the lack of hero glow makes it look like a regular unit...
  2. emmpsych

    Hero Glow request

    Can someone put Hero Glow on this Naga Medusa Model. I just want it to use on my personal custom map. I hope you can help me guys, thankyou
  3. HerlySQR

    Hero Glow

    Is there a Hero Glow that changes the color if the player changes its color? Because the Hero Glow that are here always have the initial color of the player.
  4. Cheshire

    [Solved] make dummy unit stick to unit

    hey, I know this has been asked many times before, and I have bumped into answers about this in the past - but obviously now that I am actively looking for it I can't seem to find it anywhere... how do I get a dummy unit to move in tandem with a unit? is there a different way than insta-moving...
  5. Veryll

    Retera Model Studio - Removing Hero Glow?

    Finally managed to get Retera Model Studio up and running, but I can't seem to find the texture, geoset, or really anything regarding the hero glow...
  6. posthumousturbo

    [General] Attachments Don't Work

    I want give weapon spear to wc2 ogre model from hiveworkshop. I write "right hand" and this don't work. I want use attachment on mephisto model from hiveworkshop, probably this unit not have origin attachment. Please write why this don't work? right hand (wc2 ogre texture), origin (on hero and...
  7. jj84

    Hero Glow

    How to add and remove hero glow with War3 Model Editor. Please a tutorial with picture.
  8. Woodenplank

    Unit Portrait Disappearing/Messing up

    Hello Sorry in advance if this is not the right thread, wasn't sure where else to put it. I recently edited a model (Sylvanas Windrunner, living) to remove the Hero Glow. The edit itself worked nicely (set alpha to 0 for a Material, and the corresponding Geoset Sequence), but now the portrait...
  9. BrothForMyPeople

    Removing Hero Glow

    Hi. Modeling - Texture Techniques Using Mdl I've done everything as written in this tutorial and this is what I get... (see uploaded image) I have this magos version War3 Model Editor ...and newest WC3 version right now - 1.28