• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


  1. Dord96

    [Solved] alexstrasza dragon form model

    hello i want to ask if some one is willing to make a model of alexstrasza dragon form basd on this pleass , also if it can a some sort of a hero dragon to mach some of alexstrasza models on here like the one made by kangyun pleass and thank you
  2. Loki18

    [SD/Modeling] Can we have Dragons

    Can we have some different dragons for our future maps? I prefer for Classic version Like Got/HotD, The Hobbit/LotR, Reign of Fire style ones. "Wyverns" just like olof's Lindormr Dragon and would love them to have air/ground morphs for cinematics or whatever reason. Fyi. I know the difference...
  3. Nekros Skullcrusher

    Nekros Skullcrusher

    Nekros designed by me. Demon Soul designed by Moonman.
  4. Sxar

    Short Story for a custom campaign

    This is a three map based campaign about a mage apprentice of Dalaran during the Rein of Chaos events. She awakes as undead minion of a Dread Lord. He explains her that he is in cold war against his brothers for the land they have conquested. Balnazzar got the biggest piece of the cake but he...
  5. sunshinex3

    DragonSpawn Simple

    Very surprised on how little dragon / dragonspawn models and icons their are on the hive. going to request a bronze and black dragon spawn model(maybe more of a green and more of a red one too) also going to have to request proper icons for these dragon spawn models; Icons Needed: black...
  6. pyf

    What would an interview with Deathwing be like?

    I just discovered this cool and fun interview with Smaug. It was done by American TV host Stephen Colbert, on The Colbert Report, in December 2014. Now, what would Deathwing have said, had he been interviewed? And in which TV show? And by whom? (and who would have survived it, too...)...
  7. pyf

    [Dragons] Drakan AiO Patch updated

    A new unofficial patch for Drakan: Order of the Flame is out! You may download it here This new one (377/447, from 7/23/2016) mainly provides fixes for the level editor, which should now work reliably on modern OSes. The Drakan: Order of the Flame All-in-One Patch (or simply the Drakan AiO...