
  1. Maldiran

    Ability targeting an item

    Hey, simple question. I want to have an ability targeting item, that will fire up a trigger when casted. And I have no idea what is wrong. It is not working even if I replace "Starts the effect of an ability" with something else like "Starts casting". This question is probably dumb, but I have...
  2. Cheshire

    [Trigger] finishes casting an ability Vs. starts the effect of an ability

    hey there, the following trigger is supposed to make unit A cast a storm bolt based spell, and instantly remove unit A and move unit B to the point of the target of the ability. when I have the "event" as "starts the effect" - all of the actions occur, but unit A never completes casting the...
  3. Meatsausage

    Unit stops (auto)casting after upgrading

    Hi, however this does not happen all the time. I have a tower casting "heal" from priest as autoheal with the following trigger attached to it: World_Editor_0wpM1cOb7k by Meatsausage posted Mar 25, 2020 at 5:19 PM so everytime the tower has enough mana to cast the ability, it will be casted...
  4. Uncle

    Animations and Casting Time

    So i'm using a "special" method to get around having to use Cast Backswing/Cast Point for Cast Animations. Instead, I set cast backswing/point to 0 and use Casting Time to mimic their effects. This will make a Unit play it's full Spell animation (or any animation you set) over the Casting Time...
  5. hardcure

    Casting ability but facing wrong...

    I made a ground-target ability(Shockwave,Envision) and make a trigger with it.... Everytime i cast it, a bullet will come out and shoot. But the problem is when casting behind my unit-facing , the attack animation is already performed while the rotating(angle,direction) process is still...
  6. 3xKataratos

    [Solved] Uninterrupted Casting/Channeling

    Ok... Here's my problem When i order units/bosses in my map to do a channeling or a spell with casting time and during that time a player attacks triggering unit ,Unit stops and attacks the attacking unit. -I tried setting acquisition range to 0 while casting but didnt work. -I end up making...