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Target Delusion

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Human invade one of Orc's island ant try to take over it because of resources in it. Orcs try to defend themselves, but Humans thought invasion would be hard so they brought one of their great invention. That invention was big so Humans had to built it on the shore of island and of course defend it. While building in progress Orcs have big chance to destroy it because then its built nobody can stand against it and survive.


Build towers and kill enemies who try to pass it. Hire engineers or gun masters to use towers, shoot from them and improve them. Towers can't attack itself, you need units to use them.


-Cold tower --------- 3 levels total
-Siege Tank -------- 24 levels total
-Multi-Shot bunker -- 21 levels total
-Airplane ----------- 11 levels total
-Arrow Tower ------- 19 levels total
-Chaos Cyborg ------ 7 levels total


11 air levels
9 boss levels
other is ground units in total 66 levels

Some screen shots: later don't know how to use spoiler, don't want to spam.

td, tower, defense, orc, human, target, delusion.

Target Delusion (Map)

02:23, 21st Feb 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected Terrain is empty and really bad, triggers aren't better at all, please check some tutorials, array and for functions can remove 70% of your triggers. There are no leak cleaning functions, tower...




02:23, 21st Feb 2011
Status: Rejected
Terrain is empty and really bad, triggers aren't better at all, please check some tutorials, array and for functions can remove 70% of your triggers. There are no leak cleaning functions, tower defense maps should be leak free... Also we already have 2 many maps like this one, you must create something unique that will impress us.
Basic things ↓
-Map is in-balanced, as you can see from screenshot red,blue,teal and purple can't kill creeps while orange take all gold :sad:
-Tower defense like any other, you must create something unique dude, use heroes, use some epic systems, create some cool unique towers, not already see things...
-Triggers are really bad, instead of creating if then else function for each player use for functions and just change variables.
-Remove leaks.
-Improve terrain.