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Rise of the Dead: Episode 1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A cinematic prequel to a bunch of campaigns I plan to make. First real Cinematic in a few years since my last cinematic map, eh.

First campaign features the undead.

Featuring: Slaughter, undead, and random spawns.

It's a short cinematic, not much moving around, but lots of fighting.

Thanks to:
Blizzard for WC3
BLPconv for helping me convert my images without giving me BS about anything.

undead, cinematic, story, campaign, battle, heroes, city, rise, of, the, dead,

Rise of the Dead: Episode 1 (Map)

23:39, 21st Jan 2011 -Kobas-: Map Status: Rejected Broken Rules: (Map) Presentation Comment




23:39, 21st Jan 2011
Map Status: Rejected
Broken Rules:
(Map) Presentation
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Hm... I think this was a pretty bad cinematic.

Cameras - 1/5: The standard WCIII camera, during the whole cinematic.

Terrain - 1/5: Needs way more doodad and tile variation. Use fog, weather effects, hills, etc.

Story - 2/5: Didn't make any sense at all. You start at some pub. Then a few seconds later you're in a forest, with two Paladins killing some units, and then there's this hill, where tons of trolls are killing some swordsman. The end. :I

Action - 2/5: Nothing special. Just units using standard melee attacks on other random units.

Dialogue and grammar - 4/5: Seems fine. It's the best part of this cinematic. :p

Average: 2/5.

You seriously need to put much more effort in this. It must not have taken long to create this cinematic.
Rise of the Dead: Episode 1
Created by GuyHard ; Uploaded by: GuyHard

Very bad terrain ruined your cinematic.
Camera work as well, camera should move whole time not be fixed.
Battle scenes are bad, no custom spells and things that can increase cinematic beauty!
No music!
Map status: Rejected

Broken Rules:
(Map) Presentation
Thread Cleaned:
Status: Rejected