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Meteoric Iron Footman

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
New and updated.
Please give ratings.

A footman with a small round shield, Uruk-hai style blade, reshaped helmet and plume and total retexture for a darker style of armour with gold trim.

Note for Naysayers:

Blacked out most of the original steel armour plates and retextured it myself.
Download it and check the skin yourself if you so wish.
If you zoom in you can see some imperfection and defenitely a difference between this and the footman skin.
The reason why I haven't changed anything major other than the armour texture is because it's meant to be alot like the standard footman but darker and grittier.
Hence the darker armour.

Great for an opposition to the standard Footman in footy frenzy maps or any map you wish to place him in.

Don't feel massively pressured to give credit if you use this model, let's face it, I'm probably never gonna see the map you use the model in anyway and it's quite unlikely that people will even care who made the model nor know me for that matter.


Meteoric Iron Footman (Model)

Meteoric Iron Footman (Model)

09:28, 30th Jul 2008 Werewulf: No changes besides 4 vertex shiftings and a mdl data change of the texture. too simple.




09:28, 30th Jul 2008
Werewulf: No changes besides 4 vertex shiftings and a mdl data change of the texture. too simple.
Level 1
Jul 18, 2008

Prolly dont matter much from a non-modeler, but going to use as a footman for a new map I may submit to Hive. Got 2 of the four custom races I am making. This can be a footman instead of the bandits. I dont like how they look that much :) so Great Job. Love the Sword
Level 6
Dec 19, 2005
Well Golld I'm gonna be doing a dark Human race hopefully over the next few days and releasing them as a full pack, you can see the Dark Priest in the screenshot, I've also got a Dark Knight to add to that and then I'm going to do the Sorceress and then all the rest after that, including hero's.

So if you need a dark human race for your map I should have one done by the end of this week, maybe before depending how much time I devote to it.
Level 6
Dec 19, 2005
The sucky moderators on this website.

It's too simple apparently.
I don't know what they are expecting, but if it was changed anymore it wouldn't be anything like a direct adversary for the normal footman, which would mean I had totaly lost sight of my goal.

Hence I'm not changing it, I'm thinking of trying Wc3 campaigns instead when I've completed the full model pack.

So far I've done the peasent, the footman, the knight and the priest, I'm planning to do the rifleman next.