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The Lionhawks of Ceres

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Prince Kahn Lionhawk got along with his sister better than his brother, but still felt he should take over and so he didn’t stand by his sister when she needed help from the demons. Eventually Ceres kingdom was attacked too and he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against the demons superior numbers, but he wanted his people to get to safety so he decided to hold off the demons long enough for his people to get to safety. He and a force 2000 soldiers advanced onwards to hold off the Demon armies at Whiterock Garrison where he & his force managed to hold off the Demons for a week, but eventually fell. It was said he slayed hundreds of Demons personally before he eventually falling to a Demon’s blade and his troops enraged by their prince’s death took down thousands of Demons before they fell too. Kahn Lionhawk died happy to know his people did escape and they maintained their black & gold armour to honour his sacrifice by calling themselves the Lionhawks of Ceres and took up home in the lands of Tortora where they are by a Lord Commander. No one knows who is the currently Lord Commander is as the last one was said to have died under mysterious circumstances.

Edit: Updated the Icons

Do Not Edit Without My Permission Or Redistribute On Hive or Other Sites

Avenger (Model)

Avenger Icon (Icon)

Avenger Portrait (Model)

Crusader (Model)

Crusader Icon (Icon)

Crusader Portrait (Model)

Fighter (Model)

Fighter Icon (Icon)

Fighter Portrait (Model)

Javelin Thrower (Model)

Javelin Thrower Icon (Icon)

Javelin Thrower Portrait (Model)

Kasrkin (Model)

Kasrkin Icon (Icon)

Kasrkin Portrait (Model)

Lion Golem (Model)

Lion Golem Icon (Icon)

Lion Golem Portrait (Model)
