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Blood Elemental Missile

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Official asset found as an import in the official map BlizzardTD.

Blood Elemental Missile (Model)

General Frank
Might be useful to some people, but the effort is almost zero.
Neither do I, but putting them right beside well-edited or custom resource would not be quite fair, would it?
Shouldn't you add 'Blizzard Entertainment' to the unit model as well? It was posted on Hive a long time ago, so when I wanted to post this I excluded it since it was already posted by someone else.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Neither do I, but putting them right beside well-edited or custom resource would not be quite fair, would it?
I don't really agree to the premise.

For one, basically nothing is truly "right beside"; unlike an IRL store with physical shelves, the Hive displays it's digital 'wares' on a fully customizable list. Nothing is really 'next to' anything (except insofar as they might occasionally appear in sequence on the list, and only then when brought about by the Search terms). (And even if the above was an issue, surely Ralle could modify the Search/sorting algorithm to prioritize custom stuff/high-quality stuff/non-Blizzard stuff/non-'Simple/Useful'-stuff/etc).

But for two... Yeah I don't see the harm ('unfairness') in putting certain resources together. I may not be a modeler/artist but I still Create and take pride in the things I make. But there's a fine line between "taking pride in your work" and "being prideful", and to me, the attitude that "my work is superior and thus demands preferential treatment as recognition of that" (beyond that which it already naturally accrues, such as high ratings, good comments, and other accolades) is an attitude more likely to fit into the latter category.
I don't really agree to the premise.

For one, basically nothing is truly "right beside"; unlike an IRL store with physical shelves, the Hive displays it's digital 'wares' on a fully customizable list. Nothing is really 'next to' anything (except insofar as they might occasionally appear in sequence on the list, and only then when brought about by the Search terms). (And even if the above was an issue, surely Ralle could modify the Search/sorting algorithm to prioritize custom stuff/high-quality stuff/non-Blizzard stuff/non-'Simple/Useful'-stuff/etc).

But for two... Yeah I don't see the harm ('unfairness') in putting certain resources together. I may not be a modeler/artist but I still Create and take pride in the things I make. But there's a fine line between "taking pride in your work" and "being prideful", and to me, the attitude that "my work is superior and thus demands preferential treatment as recognition of that" (beyond that which it already naturally accrues, such as high ratings, good comments, and other accolades) is an attitude more likely to fit into the latter category.
Agree to disagree then. :)
Guys, no need to argue about this. It is Blizzard's official asset from BlizzardTD. I wouldn't even think about this getting approved. I'm fine with it being approved, substandard or even rejected since I didn't make it.
Might be useful to some people, but the effort is almost zero.
I just exported it and the required textures. That's the only 'effort'. I didn't create the texture / edit particles. I'm posting it here since I know people like using official assets that aren't in the mpq/casc. I really don't care what happens with this model, since it's not mine.