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Bandit Woman Spearthrower

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
For anyone that had seen my Model Preview thread then you know this has been in existance for a while. Well now it's released. The Female Bandit, and Female Bandit Spearthrower. I followed the same kind of process that DvO did with his female Footies this time, so the mesh is based off of the Demoness.

They use all ingame skins. Give credit if used and have fun with it.

EDIT: Mr. Goblin is awesome and made an Icon for this model.

Human, woman, female, chick, girl, bandit, brigand, outlaw, theif, criminal, highway woman, mercenary, axe, shield, helmet, studded leather, wild, roa

Bandit Woman Spearthrower (Model)

Bandit Woman Spearthrower (Model)

22:19, 1st Jan 2010 DonDustin: nice model
Level 7
Apr 16, 2008
uh, Huh? what the heck do you mean? This is a BANDEEET, not an ARCHEEER, nice btw, simple, probably what any hor-UH, i mean...Uhm..*coughnudge* *cough* Womanly Figure Needs, if they want a Womanly [mind my offense, it is intentional =D] Bitch. *coughnudge* since bandits are either bitches or [badboys] bastards.
Hmm, it seems to emit a green effect on the ground that's really visible if she stands still for a longer period of time, and also - it has no death sound. Otherwise it's brilliant ^^

This is because the event objects used by the model are the Demoness', not the Bandits'. Therefore, whenever she attacks, green blood is spawned on the ground. Her death sound also does not play correctly. I have attached a fixed version that only changes the event objects to the correct ones!


  • BanditSpearThrowerFemale.mdx
    94.9 KB · Views: 87