• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Reputation (+1):
    (Post) I admire the time you put into your replies. However, please read the current state of the campaign at the official TCO site: http://tcocampaign.com/ . Also, if you don't want to post there, you can also post in the Hosted Project forums.
    Sure and you can actually give up to 4 reps as a normal user, 12 reps as a moderator and 9999 reps as an administrator.

    Your rep power will grow by each 200 rep. SO for example,
    1-199 rep = you can give 1 rep only
    200-399 rep = you can give 2 rep only
    400-599 rep = you can give 3 rep only
    600+ = you can give 4 rep and a maximum for normal users.

    Moderators can pick from -12 to +12 rep and Admin as far as I know -9999 to +9999. Users with negative rep cannot give rep, it'll always appear as 0 rep when they give to users.
    Reputation (+12):
    (Post) (+12) Another twelve of my rep, would you? Thanks for the very helpful feedback!
    By having a final rating, you're helping me make moderating much easier. Thanks!
    To be honest, I do not actually got this much impress but seeing you make amazing and worthwhile reviews and seeing you're a new user, you must be simply amazing.
    Hey, tomo sent me a PM regarding you PM to me which you accidentally sent to him, well as a reply here. Thank you for the compliments about me and sure, if there is in need to criticize your review or suggest something I'll do the thing.
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) (+4) The effort you're putting in your review is really amazing but it would be best, if you would provide also a rating of 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 or 5/5 as a final rate on a map to make it easier.
    Welcome to the Hive and great reviews you have, instant respect even as a fellow reviewer and maps section moderator.

    Anyway, you should reply through the View Conversation.
    Reputation (+12):
    (Post) (+12) Very professional with the review. You have my respect as a review here as well.
    Thanks :) I sure will. Just need a good point to start. Maybe a pending Campaign to play and review. We'll See.
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