• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • No... this needs no JNGPS... just DDUPL v2 and DDMissileEngine triggers :p but yes you can disable DDUPLv2 and use JNGPS :p
    Are you talking about the disabled ones? cause they're not disabled :p they're just not needed since I'm using the WHOLE library now. I just kept it there in case someone needs the small size version...
    Photonology is that spell that I asked for ideas on... but it's not done yet so it's just lying there between the triggers :p

    Umm, yes there is slight delay... it's due to the system... but I don't really mind it you know.

    And the Apostate, well you should shoot the unit on its back for it to slow, unless I sent you the wrong version before I fixed some bug related to that :s

    The debug msg says it all :p
    Hehehe... btw check this out:
    Metaversal Spell Pack wip1.02

    Check the two spells for the Sylvana-s :p
    no, no no! xD u got me wrong! i am against stuff like writing the whole spell in an struct, i like when you part it with functions as it should be, reason why is because stuff gets more unreadable and non-OOP way of coding if youw write all that in struct...

    anyway ur good and i like the spells :)
    I liked the sacred one most :) Well I have some REALLY great ideas... but too lazy to code any :(
    Pretty sweet. ;D. I dont have any ideas right now but I noticed the holy balls dont give the target a buff. nice work :D
    Nice spells you've got there :)
    Yet, one thing... about the lightning SFX, I'd advice you to make it like BZK's lightning effects in his spell-pack: Simple Spell Pack... check it out (on second page of spells section).

    You'll see how amazing the lightning is, without any imports :)

    I got some really cool idea today too... but don't think I'll ever get the time to do them :s
    its kind of hard to tell what it is. you should bring up the brightness/contrast and maybe add more colors.
    yeah ty and i was really triying to fix it but who would thought that such a small bug can cause such a trouble! well i tried set-ing back logo after we is loaded but it seems that script will just wait until all is executed. so it has no effect :S

    ill see in future can i fix it and if i find a way i will 100%
    Thanks for bug report btw!
    ~Dark Dragon
    thanks, yeah i as well thought that original autor made it! anyway thanks to u i updated JNGPS! so even if its not made by u thanks :D
    so Eccho posted it here! but did he made it or should i give someone else the credits? i can give to Eccho and the one who created if it was not Eccho.

    ~Dark Dragon
    yeah! and since cJass is that awesome, i asked PurplePoot to support it and he said that once stable he will!
    well yeah it is supposed to make it c++ more like! however its main power are defines, i++ and such a stuff! coz with defines you can inline BJ-s and hook and make everything u want with max performances. vjass compiles hooks with a lot of BJ-s and trigger + triggeractions/conditions.

    so cjass makes stuff more faster and less generated objects!
    however it still is not an standard.
    yeah and u can read about syntax here: CJass

    U can dl it and check the syntax, but actually new version will come at end of this month so ill update my Librarys with it to!
    Nah not i definetly won't retire until october five, after that, well my active is supposedly gonna drop alot, and there is a slight possibility of me dissappearing for some time every while...
    And the thing about the spell-pack, when I'm working solo, I have no responsibility towards anyone, get my point? And since I'm busy lately that's more comfortable for me... you understand me eh? :)

    But what could be done, is after we all release our packs and update them with new spells and etc... we can put them all in a pack =)

    And again I apologize TNT :(
    Well TNT, I don't want to seem rude, but I don't think that joint spell-pack would work anymore for i'm usually busy nowadays and i might not be on the net for some time now...
    so i'm thinking of going with my solo pack, of which I might release the spells that I already have done (6 spells) 2moro or the day after... and then i'd only work on something when I have the time...
    sorry :/
    Oh btw to answer your question :p nope I'm not in love, I'm more of a roaming guy who just goes around meeting new girls :p
    To explain what my title stands for, well it's just a pretty amazing song with good music and nice female vocal... I think you can guess from my Avatar that I'm into music :p
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