• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • They're not supposed to be used for whole blocks of text. Just for titles and stuff.

    And yes, you are. Very much.
    nevuh!!! >:D I'd be a decepticon as well, but the DA group kicks you out if you are unable to be active in what they want. If you don't make purty pictures, make their little stories, or lose internet connection or go on vacation, they kill your charecter. >_> I think it's a bit screwed up. :/
    but the pic is well done :p
    Decent, I suppose. There's some things that are left out. It would help if you stopped using colour tags.
    Taking charge is indeed essential... everybody can be in complete and utter control of something but nobody can control everything. Compromise isn't all bad, if you know what can be compromised and then take charge of everything else that is of great importance to you. It's your choice friend.
    Sure, go right ahead. :D

    And if you need me to make any minor changes to it, just let me know.
    Ok, I didn't expect this. I know how difficult (and probably stressful) it is to make that model but I needed only the model that has the set Jaina anims, meaning you should have edited Jaina like I said in the PM (<<---yes, it hurts to type that sentence). I shy away from animating other models except mine because animating and the less-desired by mine- "anim transferring" can take a lot of time... my time... sorry but the only thing I can do is to give it a shoulder and a talkie box portrait, unless you have something else in mind.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) I still am >< (Sorry for the late rep, just looked through my rep and saw this forum... Had to look through it... And saw this! :D
    Never textured before what you've seen on here, but I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, and I've been into digital art for a few years now.
    It is said that Islam has about 120.000-124.000 (More or less) Prophets.
    That is because every group of humans have gotten one prophet each so it shall be fair.

    And one cannot be a muslim without loving & believing in Jesus as the Messiah either.
    Great you seem to understand :D
    It is funny how The Quran contradicts with what they (The Terrorists) say.

    Btw, ''Jihad''.. Many people believe it's like ''Keel teh infiduls!!11''
    But no, There are many kinds of Jihad, Like the best Jihad for women is to do the Hajj (Go to Kaba, ''The building which looks like a black box).

    Jihad can also be if you Smoke and you stop smoking, Then that is Jihad (If you try your best).

    And in war it is only allowed if they attack you first.

    Hope I explained it well to you xP
    It's pretty much just a place where we muslims can identify eachother and maybe have some minor conversations in it.

    And if you have any other questions then no I will not be bothered if you ask them, I'll be more than happy to reply.
    My first guess was that you were going to Ask something related to Terrorism since many believe Islam is terrorism.

    Anyways I'm not easily offended so just ask :D

    I didn't really understand your question to 100%

    Explain to me that your group.....

    My group what :p?
    ahh ok ^^ and btw i found out
    Even Meta cant logon....he is on playerhaven.chatango.com hehe

    so i am on thanks to my admin thing :p
    nope....more forums are adding (i can see them in admin CP) but i wonder why it dont lets you to log on....nwm , log on later ^^
    Scratch what i said about giving you a wip of your naga summoner/worker today XD
    I'll see what I can do on it tomarow, got a little carried away with another one of my skins.

    And that site you directed me to totally shows High Warlord Najentus in all his reddish/purply glory. Outland is more of a red orange. :)
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