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  • If you have time take a look at my current project in the spell section(AIC).

    I never intend to force someone to inject anything. I was just saying that Blizzard's BJs leaks in the handle counter.
    I rather meant, avoid BJ's when the game has started. I've seen a few maps in Gui for instance, which, after a while suddenly just dies and receives an error. The handle increasement could likely cause it (I am not saying it does).

    So, in game, you should avoid the BJ and do your own. Not only does it prevent the handle increaser, but is also faster.

    And I guess you know that already, why are we argueing really?
    "nice work well Eccho pointed out some things i thought are not needed to fix... anyway only with blizzard.j the handle id increases coz they don't null vars. so gz from my side!"

    And that is what makes Blizzard stupid. They did probably not know they needed to do so at all.
    Yes, about that. I meant the direct way, the way I calculated the next move in that map.

    Well for that. You don't store those points, you make them every interval blah blah.. :)

    And for that C++ function, it is simple to make something similar in wc3. You should give it a try. ( Just give me time till tomorrow. I could show you an example. )
    * @param x {double} X coordinate
    * @param y {double} Y coordinate
    * @param a {double} Semimajor axis
    * @param b {double} Semiminor axis
    * @param angle {double} Angle of the ellipse
    function calculateEllipse(x, y, a, b, angle, steps)
    if (steps == null)
    steps = 36;
    var points = [];

    // Angle is given by Degree Value
    var beta = -angle * (Math.PI / 180); //(Math.PI/180) converts Degree Value into Radians
    var sinbeta = Math.sin(beta);
    var cosbeta = Math.cos(beta);

    for (var i = 0; i < 360; i += 360 / steps)
    var alpha = i * (Math.PI / 180) ;
    var sinalpha = Math.sin(alpha);
    var cosalpha = Math.cos(alpha);

    var X = x + (a * cosalpha * cosbeta - b * sinalpha * sinbeta);
    var Y = y + (a * cosalpha * sinbeta + b * sinalpha * cosbeta);

    points.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(X, Y));

    return points;
    :) thx again.

    You should check out an ellipse movement( can be used for a boomerang motion. I tried that, but I went for the 3d ellipsoid instead ) CLICK ME
    Also the spell doesn't bug, there is a min AOE in the spell, if the unit's are furthere away than the AOE the tiger will jump(i did this to reduce overpowering).
    Well i code in GUI cause i don't want to post simple jass spells, when i get a grip on vJass i will begin to post some good jass spells, until then it's GUI
    On the end it was a typo which i made (a 3 instead of 2 in the indexing variable) for a special effect...
    Anyway now it's leak free...
    Actualy i don't use leak check anymore cause i get an error when starting it...
    I check for leaks myself, i used leak check only when i started making spells now i know a leak when i see it^^
    I start warcraft 3, then start your map, it work well in the game. But when I log out, it crash.
    Hehe, well i have 3 spells (the contest one(its done) one remake from FSP(unholy execution(a bit more advanced than the first one), and a lightning spell)

    Last two needs polishing(trigger comments, tooltips...)

    Maybe I'll release the lightning one soon, but now i have this sht for driving license...and wc3 is somewhere at the end of my day D:
    i did't edit your map, i open it with warcraft 3 to view the spell before open it with jass newgen.
    This spell was nice.. DD Universal Pack v2 - Page 3 - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

    But for some strange reason, it keep crash my warcraft 3 everytime i quit the game.
    Argggg... sorry, i forgot about your Birthday D:

    Well, Happy Late Birthday! ^^
    Thanks for all the help. You've been helping me a lot. I hope I'm not bother you with my requests. ^^

    Thanks again. I hope you'll have a great day ahead. ^^
    I want the same water explosion and yes it only damage the unit once on the explosions and the explosion of the water is faster. forget the one I meant picking unit. xD
    Thanks ^^
    I didn't know I sent the message in a private message. That's why I can't find it no matter how I refresh this page. LOL! xD

    Anyway, thanks again, your the best. ^^
    You can indeed help me ;)

    I need to know where i may optimize my code and remove leaks, if i oversaw some, and such.
    You know, i refer to the Judgement Strike spell.
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