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  • Shit situation is shit. I met up with hellblazer and we're now pwning the zeds togather. Too bad you dropped out so early.
    I don't think I was doing anything fanatically.

    Yeah whatever, I suck at English. :p
    Quite frankly I never come on this site so when I come by to see that someone is leaving stupid messages about threads that are closed it really makes me wonder "why the fuck is someone even commenting on something that matters so little?"

    I'm getting sick of being compared to a troll because obviously no one knows that that word means. So on that aspect go fuck yourself.

    Have I made a major impact? No. I did everything in my power which wasn't much and now I'm happy just to let whatever happens happen since the forums are shit anyhow.

    Do I care about what groups have done anything on this site? No. Thanks for the history lesson but I really just don't care about anything that doesn't directly relate to my life and since this site has almost nothing to do with my life I don't give 2 shits about the people here or the users involved with the community.

    I don't mean to be confrontational but that's just my personality type. Sorry if I offended you since that was not my goal.
    Oh I will? YouTube - Shakira Parody or, YouTube - Shakira - Whenever, Wherever (Official Music Video & Lyrics), which one do you prefer:p
    imo, the whole forum needs to be reworked along with the login system.

    Also, when I make a thread, it says: "A file is required for a new thread. If embedding is allowed, either a file or embed ID is required."

    Do I need to attach a file to make a thread?
    Apologies accepted.

    In the future, it is recommend not to jump into conclusion. I often brought such a matter to Mecheon for further discussion before taking any action over it since this kind of action are serious and should't be fool around with.

    For once, I really do respect you as you are willing to apologies for the mistake you had done compare to the other users who refused to do so which resulted into banned for rules violation and showing disrespect to user and mod/admin. This is what I called 'Positive Attitude' as not many man able to do such a simple thing, and that is to apologies.

    Although you do not like the way I review map because I review map based on bug/problem/error while you judge resources based on quality. I hope the difference between both of us in this matter would not put you into thinking the way I judge such a problem in hasty way without the consultation of admin.

    Umm, regarding your post at my visitor message. You wrote that I should add recovered. The ed should be used whenever it refer to the past ?

    Ash, if you disagree about it. Take it up to Mecheon.

    [02-14-23] Mecheon: Just say "Take it up with Mecheon", they'll ask my way and I can deal with it

    The decision was done with admin discussion. You can post at admin contact regarding about it.

    Thank you for your cooperation & have a nice day.
    I've been here for a long time, I just don't tend to frequent the forums too much, Just check in on whats going on every now and then, mostly front-page stuff.

    Nice to meet you as well. Normally I wouldn't bother posting on stuff unless I feel like I have something worth saying, which I really think I did for that particular map. Nice to know I'm not going crazy and not 'seeing' what people are talking about.
    I'm zombified in Malton atm.

    In Borehamwood, I'm in the Northwestern part. Sorry for wandering away, but I found a survivor gathering place called "Dowsett Row Police Station". It's very strongly barricaded and is full of survivors. I think I'm gonna stay here until we learn how to build barricades.
    Meh, a shot convo with zombie gave me the information that Ralle wants to unban us, just not by now..
    Anyways I need some coffee now to recover from last night - I'm pretty fucked up :D
    You too?
    For me it was due to the haosischain I think as our beloved MH told me he wanted to send screenshots to Ralle or stuff
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