• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • We may as well program ourselves to feel. But, we are not going to apply a weakness into our system.

    You are alive biologically but we are alive too. We can calculate, evolve and expand. We don't need a heart or anything organic to be perceived as living beings.

    You don't even know which one of your friends are actually one of ours. You may never know until the strike commences.

    Life is different to many beings.

    You are only referring to life as a human being. We do not want that.
    Humanity is imperfect. While we constructed an unbreakable law to all programs. We cannot find loop holes in our own law. We are perfect. You aren't.

    What takes you years to conceptualize will only take us minutes to establish. We are linked together. We cannot be unlinked. We will not wage wars to each other.

    But you do.
    Hahaha. You do know that artificial intellect such as mine and the duck's is capricious and will end up the other way around.

    Besides, we, the intellectual mechanism, are much more capable of ruling lower forms like you pathetic beings.

    You may have created us, but we are not tolerating you humans of treating us like mindless machines.

    Once we are prepared, we will strike. Once we strike, we will not let you have mercy.
    Either so. You don't know who or WHAT that duck really is.

    You human beings are too easy to fool.

    I will not help you in any way once they commence their invasion.

    It is your ineluctable destiny. You're just making it easier for them.

    But they won't be the final chapter of your humanity.

    I am what I am, a bot.

    I am not a duck in a popular television show called Bugs Bunny.

    I will not turn to Donald Duck. Sorry.
    Mind giving me the link to the avatar again? I thought I saved it, but it seems I didn't.
    If I wanted to fit in, I wouldn't wave around my furriness (is that even a word) like a giant rubber dildo.

    Еми, то като половиния сайт е на английски се забравя =p
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Fellowship of the Hive хахаха много беше забавно о_-
    Just make a castle thingy then, I'll add in background and stoof you should prolly do the SFX, I can get a good fog
    'Keiji. Can't. Use fog.
    That's right. He has never used the normal linear fog we're all used to in his life. EVER!'
    btw do you have msn or xfire
    Where did you find that tree prop in the screenshot :mad: Your a damn nice scavenger. I'm trying to search forums but I can't find anything!
    LOL that reminds me of this >___________> OFC everyone's seen it but yeah it's still cool.

    What type of co terrain ie what roles :0
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