• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • R
    Good riddance.
    You're the only user who makes inches sizes here in a gaming forum.
    If you hate this site, Why not leave? Besides you disgust disabled people.
    perhaps... for now though, I'm going to try and keep it basic. Expansion of the mechanics can come in with tweaking the map. I've already overhauled the map to accommodate more players. I'll incorporate a basic form of the stock market, and I'll keep it to 4 trade companies. Now I just need to make a few skins, sort out the techtree to better suit the game, and it should be ready for testing.
    I'd rather the trade companies keep to being trade companies. I don't think an AI neutral hostile is a good idea. An AI isn't as clever or as devious as a human. A human will take risks, a human will have variation, a human pirate can just take gold from people. I think it will be fun to mess with the trade companies!
    There already will be neutral hostile pirates, but they're pretty passive, I'd like there to be at least 1 human pirate going around to screw with the player trade companies directly.
    i had an idea just recently, should there be player controlled pirates on the map? They could sink the trade ships, which would interrupt the trade rout. hey could attack the trade companie's navies, and pillage the trade companies directly.
    Well I don't really care about items, but I normally just take items that makes me stronger and sometimes faster like boots of speed and gloves of strength enc.

    What did you do so far, I must know so that I can know what my ideas must be based on
    Well the health potion thing sound great, For me the mana is a waist because I don't really use mana but I'm not everybody so yeh mana potion can also work

    Well what kind of ideas do you want
    Beginning of endless endless eons of whatever the hell you want. That includes happiness. So you can just say "I want to be very happy and never bored for eternity."

    Really its the thought that matters, not how you did it.
    How would a player buy stock, would there be a neutral exchange building, can each player build their own personal exchange, or is it just typing in commands?
    I'm thinking for the stock market, that shares should be quite costly and that the dividends shouldn't start being payed out until a few minutes into the game.
    The map isn't perfect BUT people like it this way so I don't plan to change it further. Light up traps totally screw the surprise effect. I mean, what is the purpose of the trap if I know where it is exactly?
    Bwahahaha thats suicide not going to heaven. And according to Islam, if you suicide you go to hell.

    Havent you heard the saying "Death is only a beginning"?
    Leave it, dude. You want to make the game very easy and not challenging. You are just mad because you can't manage the controls well, but when I tried the map in multiplayer, some people said the movements were straightforward and that the game was easy. The problem is with you, not with the map. Train well and then re-judge my map.
    Oh I'm glad that it was just a joke

    Cool a game in game lol sounds cool

    Well I don't know about new spell, but I will say for the items there must be more items that is for the player like orbs, sword(that maby has + damage/strength/ something like that) and boots. So player items

    Are we talking of demons escape
    Fire and spike traps are invisible, the floor traps can be seen.
    So you just gave up? Alright...
    OMG, I didn't call him a dummy! I meant a dummy = unit that is ordered to cast spell for the caster.
    Cool your pc is fixed, I hope WhiteFang doesdoes not take long with the map, what new project's are you planning
    How about this, in relation of the annexing idea, there could be a stock market, where you buy shares of the enemies company. They have to pay out of their own gold to their stock holders! You can also use the spies to steal stock!
    1. Assassins are a secret organisation. Some hobo down the street wont know who I am.
    2. Then I will wear clothes.
    It's a map where you are on of three trade companies fighting for control of a group of islands and their trade points. How it works is that you build a trading post in a "trade socket" as I call it, and it gives you control of a COP, when a trade ship passes over the COP. Luckily I've already figured out the trigger for that.
    1 hour 27 minutes and 40 seconds that is the time lapse of the video you should jump to.
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