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  • this is actually quite embarrassing.

    I updated the map with out any intention for you to review it.

    I was updating it just a an extra insurance that the new version will not be lost.

    I Have still Got work to do on the AI and terrain...

    but still, this is shocking to hear that my game play is boring. I thought it was really really good because no one ever mentioned it.

    I just want to ask.... what's wrong with it?

    considering I find it entertaining, I feel your comment is both an attack of my intelligence and ability as a creator.

    this is so unfair.

    like you've punctured a wound in my very soul and yet at the same time you are telling me you have been giving me a chance, cutting me slack.

    my game is too hard
    my detail is too lacking
    all the abilities are copy and paste with only a few changes values.

    the only down point I ever see is the ending is too boring.

    but perhaps I'm blind time these things

    I just don't understand how it is possible that my game play can be classified as boring when I've played so Many other games here on the hive that bore the juice out of me yet they are accepted.

    games with out AI
    with out any direction
    with out even an idea of game play other then kill stuff.

    I get my game is just another map to review. I get that it's just 1 defence game out of the hundreds you have reviewed.

    but I simple will never accept that the game is rejected because of its game play. because if anything I have forgotten about everything else and first worked on game play.

    now you tell me it lacks in all things and That if I don't fix the terrain I have lost any hope of approval because my game play sucks! !!!!

    summary of above paragraphs

    I'll fix the terrain ;-)
    Umm... Hehe sup. I gonna help you clearing that pending section... My pleasure... He he he...

    Do you like stealth games? :)
    You already rejected it? :eek:
    That means I wrote this long-ass review for nothing :(
    I want to become a better reviewer. I'm planning to change my reviews in some ways. For example, I'll be listing the positive points in a map and will use a better template.
    sorry i haven't been able to work on the project for the last few days.

    I worked on the AI system last night. got the smart AI working so that now you can switch.

    however I've been over run with work and will have to work on the map over the week end.

    sorry for the misspells ... using my phone while on the way to work..

    don't worry... my fathers driving.
    Lux Aeterna eh, interesting. Honestly I don't know much about music, I just like that song after all ^^

    Glad you like the song too ^^
    I usually sleep 9 hours (12 AM - 9 AM). I have to agree that more than 10 will make people lazy.
    Well, my school starts late only on Friday.

    Yes, I am also not a morning person. I am sleepy in morning, but active and energized at night. But my mom want me asleep at 12 AM...
    I have almost nothing to do except surfing the Hive.
    School begins after 3 hours, and I have no homework. It's 11:26 AM here ^^
    Is it a problem that I reviewed an already reviewed map? I thought it was needed, because I disagreed with the rating in a previous review.
    I want icons too on the bottom (Like the top), and some [otable] on left and right sides.[/otable]
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