• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • A
    Oh that is bad, I ordered a Pizza for todays evening.. Maybe another day, Hive will last surely some time on :D

    Oh, is it about his: 'A Power Ranger like show with a fantabolous plot. PM me for more details.' ? I already was in temptation to do so.

    Well, I don't know what country you are from, but most talent shows are crap, especially these in television. But if you want to get famous fast, just participate at some infamous shows, muhaha the dark ones, like Little Miss Beauty Contests. ( *kidding*)

    I am sure you can make money with it. many people do. The world needs entertainment, ah, NOW I HAVE AN IDEA !!! What about Youtube ? You can become fast successful there and get a small fan base up to expanding into local shows.
    Oh oh, next life we are all cockroaches and take over the foolish human world!

    If it is part of your personality, there is not a reason to change something about it. Preferring exciting characters than boring ones. You are on your peeking spot, I am on my hidden analyse spot muhahaha
    You never saw a cockroach ? Lucky one..

    Maybe, but you are one of my favourite Hivers :)
    It is cool :D, only bad thing is that americans always put serbian and russian people into terorists, in the lot of movies and few games. We dont even have 1 terorist in Serbia, we are small country, warrior people but not terorists like in movies :)
    yeah what to say ? I always wanted a singing cockroach, would scare the sh*t out of my dad. ^^

    I am sorry, I was in a really bad mood last days, I am very sorry.
    Yes, I guess because people are more anonymous, they rather start talking about things they would never talk of in real-life.

    Suffering because of someone else's problem, it's horrible.
    Just think of these 'Little Miss Beauty'-contests, too, it is just.. horrible is not enough to express it...

    Hm, it is a rather long story and I never typed it in, maybe I will and PM it to you ^^
    Thanks for having an ear :)

    *takes the jar*
    Oh my god, I always wanted a cat in a jar, how did you know ???
    Thank you so, so much !!!
    Oh, I am sad to hear that. I mean, school is neither fun nor anything positive, but it should be your own decision to spend time on it or not :(
    my parents do not care... ( Yeah, cannot believe it, too) ( I excuse for talking about myself)

    Oh, it is a really horrible story, trust me... I could tell you in case you are interested in personal, emotional stuff...well, the story includes Satan, skulls and horrible times, guess you don't want to hear something like this.. we just get it under the table...

    I got B-Grad in English ^^ isn't it time for my reward ? :eek: just get art under the table, wont be good either....
    Alright, now it worked - I got into the map, and there is a picture of a class room. I still can't imagine where this idea is going exactly? :b
    I don't have fun either... just got a surprise A, trust me, am average, too :)

    Oh, actually I just guessed as my ex-best friend loved that movie, she actually watched it with 10 years and several times after or to say at least one time a year. Therefore I knew, if she starts smiling a lot, it is 'Sweeney Time' ( yeah, she was pretty scary). Sometimes I was there at that moment and 'had' to watch it, too.
    Yeah, I just guessed, there aren't many smiling barbiers around my life..
    Well, two results I already have: A-Grade in German ( native language) and C-Grade in Math -.- who needs advanced math either...

    Hu, tomorrow English and Tuesday Art..., I will either send or edit to give you the results asap :)
    Oh, just sounds creepy to me... it is just me, don't worry..

    Well, the first one is tomorrow, second one the next day and two following Monday and Tuesday next week. So I am really nervous right now o.o

    Oh, I think I know what you mean, like Sweeney Todd ? Barbers are scary sometimes... or super gay ( not offensive meant)...
    Alright, so, what if the VN.7z file doesn't appear as a folder-like file to me, but only a mysterious file type which I can't possibly open or extract with any known program of mine?
    Yes, he has something good, special around him, true. I feel it, too :)

    Thanks, I am excited, although it sounds a bit creepy, doesn't it ?
    Have you seen the screenshot in the VN thread?
    Up to now, I just saw a man selling ice-cream...
    but I will look it up.

    About joining, maybe in a few weeks as I have my final exams next week and the week afterwards, so I won't have the patience to calm down and write something/creating superficialdupadupa art.
    I enjoyed the time spent making it after all.
    Well, at least it had something good for you, despite Internet people :)

    I don't think anyone has done that before in WCIII
    Uhm , I don't think anyone made a VN, but I know there exists a 2D game, but that's something completely else.

    RACC huh... I'm more into serious roleplays
    lol ( I don't say often lol as it sounds not really... serious, but I now I just have to), don't tell the RACC ;)

    About Kaelicious, it sounds amazing, really. I first thought 'well, another rp group, fine' but you really got me after you explained it. No need to bother some older members, you did quite well, I guess. You get me that far that I would like to join Kaelicious myself, as I want to improve my English language skills and I am also interested into writing. Just need the time tho...
    Ah Visual Novel ? I heard of them, but never saw one or searched for. Just know one of them has a pretty great soundtrack.
    Well, I don't ask for the definition of Visual Novel, I just imagine that it is like a comic with more ... living pictures.

    Edit: Never mind, just saw it is all explained in the thread of the social group

    Oh Roleplaying on Hive is actually active, the RACC I mean. Was a member for a short time, was interesting, but too complicated and already too far developed.

    I am curious, what is Kaelicious ?

    Rather both maps, started 'Alice' today, but I hate terraining, so it probably wont be developed further :
    But I don't agree with you, no project is worthless ! Players may criticize things, but you, the creator, you created byte by byte, each little detail that players don't even notice, there is soul, feeling, you understand ? None has the right to criticize your project on a basic level. Of course, there are maybe things that could be improved, but destroying an idea in general is awful, in my opinion.
    Yeah seems so, sadly... I mean Hive is rather okay, but some communities are rather, lets say they are not overall sane.

    Hm, yes, made some days a go some 2D-Art and I am interested into making it, but I am also working on a project although I start losing interest into.

    What about you ? I see you have a cancelled project cause of bad reviews. It is a shame how many projects are gone trashed because 'Elite Hivers' mark it as bad and/or uninteresting.

    A project of a Hiver, called 'Slalom Wars' was also ignored and after I gave some friendly feedback, he continued work :)

    Maybe you just need someone motivating you !
    Well, at least you have decent job, better than staying home. Yea i still body-building, now i dont have so much time for it, my father is sick so i help him all the time. Sorry for slow response :)
    What I meant by coming back was that you should be more active around :)

    How's life btw?
    Then I wish you good luck with observing human reactions ;)
    Never mind then :)

    Thank you and sorry for my lack of understanding jokes !

    I thought that I could make a new thread for discussion of the Visual Novel in Kaelicious. The problem is that you are the leader of the project, you have the ideas in your head. I dont really know what to write in the first post.

    If you want, you can create the thread on your own in Kaelicious, but if you don't have the time, I'd be happy to create it. If you want me to create it, please tell me what would you like to be in it :)
    hi man, yea it was long. I am good :D I making pause with making map, watching some movies,started youtube channel.... How are you? :D
    It sounds feasible. As long as you can read a .txt file, you should be able to interpret it however you'd like. But I don't know enough about the process since I've never used that method. You'll have to ask Almia for help on the logistics of opening the .txt file and reading it line by line. After that, it is just a matter of interpreting the strings the way you want.
    Kay I'll try *tries it then puked for 10 hours with no stop* I don't know how to swim in a very smelly...

    Anyways, can you show a screenshot of that "Visual Novel"?
    Well its a batch file and when you run it, it will change a number in a key in your registry. However you should have allow local files.
    File IO is another choice. though the files are too sensitive to be edited that one character placed in a wrong place may cause errors.
    Thank you!

    Btw, you can't.

    Why not just create a function that accepts a string and saves it in a stack(or a growing array) then read it from first to last like :

    function AddLine takes string line returns nothing
    set size = size + 1
    set lines[size] = line

    function ReadLine takes nothing returns string
    set current = current + 1
    return lines[current]

    function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    call AddLine("Hi I am Almia")
    call AddLine("I am awesome")
    call BJDebugMsg(ReadLine())
    call BJDebugMsg(ReadLine())

    It is impossible to do so, even if you import it into the Import Manager
    Cute? Pssh! I am the last person you should find cute when mad. I am the one that'll tear out every last bit of your intestines and then feed them to you.
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