• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Logically not, as I do not look up stupid comics made by an unimformed fool who submits them to a site which would ban me.

    Sadly at his ruin, he does not realise that there is an actual person called Dr Super Evil and who is as real as Obama being president at the time of this post. Traximillion can even confirm his existance.

    Thus that comic was pointless and not even worth the storage space it uses. He should do his research before posting random garbage.
    Excuse me? Ice queen? I'm already pissed off as it is right now and you want to insult me now? I'm not even a girl.
    welcome to the club, it was a public club..it if was exclusive, i would set it to moderate or invited only.
    Srecno ^^

    I poenta nije bila na tome sto je ima tolike nego brojevi 1 2 3 4 kako se lepo slaze.
    He can ceap showing it that way. I like it XD. You should get on his bad side as well ^^

    A oko one campanje moze. Posto je tvoja ideja ti budi vodja tima i prijavi nas. Samo se nadam da imamo dovoljno vremena.

    I znam da je pola na Engleskom pola na Srpskim. XD
    First Septimus gave DA 2 rep for his comment. Then DA gave me 2 rep with explanation "secconded" (i have no idea what that means). Am I sopose to give Septimus rep now to close the circle XD
    And you sayI wonr be meating DevineArmy a lot. He just gave me 2 rep lol. Explenation is secconded what ever that means.
    Ali opasan je on. Ne krsi pravila tako da niko ne moze da ga bannuje.A i ne ulazi u rat sa moderatorima.
    Znam. Tek sam ovde mesec dana (aktivno) i da postanem moderator. Hehe. To bi znacilo da ucenjujem raleta.
    Jaj. Moji profil posecuje sve vise poznatih XD. Nego video sam kod septimusa da Map moderator-u treba momoc. MEMEMEMEMEMEME!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lol. Glasaj za mene za usera 2008. Ako ne moze onda 2009.

    Film je super. Jel ti to hoces da kazes da sam noob?
    WTF @0@;; my game won't play even my own maps D=
    send that patch again, i turned system restore and wiped all ~.~;;
    A ja sam nesto sjebao kod Yurija.... Zapravo videcu dal radi jer sam navukao trojanca u njegovom exe fajlu.
    jebote sinoc mi je nasao 175 inficiranih fajlova
    nope. XD It's cause they spawn like hell XD About 100 children per week. D: Now imagine if you have a few thousand crewmembers D: They'd have to set up a breeding room on a planet D:
    I know a lit of words in English. I only dont know how to tipe them ^^.

    I am gona see and get a downloading program from someone in my class.
    Well I sopose I could use 1. I mean I dont care about my spelling, but all the people that are corecting me is getting boring. Where can I get 1. Downloading plz.
    that, too, is a well said line. :p But, I highly doubt Hellion would say that. he won't take over the world because he wants the best for the dragon race. :/ He ends up looking like a good guy at times. :/
    ... I just noticed that >_> But richard says: There's nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide! Your village shall burn like the heart of the sun!

    I just used a common line from the past. :/
    Haha nisam ni znao da postoji petica ja sam jednom igrao cetvorku i bezveze mi je bila. Ja sam samo Halo 1 igrao dalje nista. A od strategija samo warcraft, igrao sam prije dosta Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 1, stari C&C i Stronghold. Si ikad RPGe igrao? Ja sam samo Baldurs Gate i Diablo, ali Diablo jako malo.
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